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HLT 600 GCU Complete Discussions
A hallmark of President Barack Obama’s administration has been the introduction of his Affordable Health Care Act. What are the main goals of the Affordable Health Care Act? Provide an argument for or against its implementation. Make sure to provide evidence to support your position. Respond to two other peers with differing opinions and identify points that you feel may sway you to reconsider your opinion. If you do not find points that may make you reconsider, describe why you disagree with the peer’s response. One-sentence posts or peer responses are not appropriate and will not receive full credit.
HLT 600 GC Week 1 Discussion 2 Latest
Given the policy-making process, why is the composition of Congress important, and how does it influence the creation of health care policy? Use a specific example to demonstrate your point within your answer. Respond to two other peers and provide additional insight and/or constructive comments. One-sentence posts or peer responses are not appropriate and will not receive full credit.
HLT 600 GC Week 1 Discussion 3 Latest
How do special interest groups (SIGs) influence the generation of health care policy in the United States? Support your answer with an example of how a special interest group has influenced the generation of a specific policy. Respond to two other peers and provide additional insight and/or constructive comments. One-sentence posts or peer responses are not appropriate and will not receive full credit.
HLT 600 GCU Complete Discussions
HLT 600 GC Week 2 Discussion 1 Latest
When President Obama introduced the Affordable Health Care Act, several states banded together to appeal the constitutionality of the Act. On January 31, 2011, a federal judge ruled parts of the act unconstitutional. President Obama’s law team formally appealed the decision in Florida v. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (11-11021). The appeal can be found at Read pages 55-67 (B. Congress’s Power under the Spending Clause) and determine:
1. The legal aspects in question
2. The argument for appeal presented by the President’s team.
3. The implications of the act on the provision of health care in the United States.
Respond to three other peers and provide additional insight and/or constructive comments. One-sentence posts or peer responses are not appropriate and will not receive full credit.
HLT 600 GC Week 2 Discussion 2 Latest
How do organizations such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization enforce public health law? Support your response with a specific example. Respond to three other peers and provide additional insight and/or constructive comments. One-sentence posts or peer responses are not appropriate and will not receive full credit.
HLT 600 GCU Complete Discussions
HLT 600 GC Week 3 Discussion 1 Latest
Why is policy analysis an important tool in the development of health care policy? What important information can thorough health policy analysis provide? Respond to three other peers and provide additional insight and/or constructive comments. One-sentence posts or peer responses are not appropriate and will not receive full credit.
HLT 600 GC Week 3 Discussion 2 Latest
How do health care administrators use public health data to develop health care policies? Cite specific examples to support your answer.
HLT 600 GC Week 3 Discussion 3 Latest
How do cost analysis studies influence the development of health care policy? Do the most cost-effective practices always get adopted into law? Use specific examples to support your opinion. Respond to three other peers and provide additional insight and/or constructive comments. One-sentence posts or peer responses are not appropriate and will not receive full credit.
HLT 600 GCU Complete Discussions
HLT 600 GC Week 4 Discussion 1 Latest
Why has Healthy People 2020 targeted the identification of social factors as a priority in its national health promotion campaign? How does this health promotion campaign communicate the role of social justice as part of its mission? Respond to two other peers and provide additional insight and/or constructive comments. One-sentence posts or peer responses are not appropriate and will not receive full credit.
HLT 600 GC Week 4 Discussion 2 Latest
Case Study: Miguel is a migrant worker who has injured himself while working in California as a seasonal employee. While on the job, he severely injures himself and refuses to seek medical treatment. Considering the social determinants of health, what factors do you think would influence his decision to seek medical care, and how do current policies affect his access to health care? Respond to two other peers and provide additional insight and/or constructive comments. One-sentence posts or peer responses are not appropriate and will not receive full credit.
HLT 600 GC Week 4 Discussion 3 Latest
The city council approves the placement of a toxic waste dump in a small, low-income community. The residents rarely attend the meetings and are unaware of the proposal. The approval will bring very little economic benefit to the community. The CEO of the company feels that, since no one attended the meetings, the approval is valid. Do you agree or disagree? Consider the principal of social justice and include recommendations for what should have been done prior to the council meeting to ensure that the decision was fair and valid. Respond to two other peers and provide additional insight and/or constructive comments. One-sentence posts or peer responses are not appropriate and will not receive full credit.
HLT 600 GCU Complete Discussions
HLT 600 GC Week 5 Discussion 1 Latest
Governmental agencies, like the National Institutes of Health, greatly influence the development of health care policy. Describe specific methods by which they influence policy and reduce health disparities. Respond to three other peers and provide additional insight and/or constructive comments. One-sentence posts or peer responses are not appropriate and will not receive full credit.
HLT 600 GC Week 5 Discussion 2 Latest
How does Congress work with governmental agencies like the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to develop health care policy? Cite specific examples to support your answer. Respond to three other peers and provide additional insight and/or constructive comments. One-sentence posts or peer responses are not appropriate and will not receive full credit.
HLT 600 GC Week 6 Discussion 1 Latest
Do you think that public health is a right? Why or why not? Respond to three other peers and provide additional insight and/or constructive comments. One-sentence posts or peer responses are not appropriate and will not receive full credit.
HLT 600 GCU Complete Discussions
HLT 600 GC Week 6 Discussion 2 Latest
What is the public health code of ethics, and what are the underlying values and beliefs? How does this value system drive the development of health care policy? Respond to three other peers and provide additional insight and/or constructive comments. One-sentence posts or peer responses are not appropriate and will not receive full credit.
HLT 600 GC Week 7 Discussion 1 Latest
Why is an interdisciplinary approach important in addressing global health issues? How do organizations currently work together to solve important global health issues. Support your response with specific examples. Respond to three other peers and provide additional insight and/or constructive comments. One-sentence posts or peer responses are not appropriate and will not receive full credit.
HLT 600 GC Week 7 Discussion 2 Latest
What factors influence the development and implementation of health care policy in developing countries? Explore the impact of these factors on the health care system of these countries in your answer. Respond to three other peers and provide additional insight and/or constructive comments. One-sentence posts or peer responses are not appropriate and will not receive full credit.
HLT 600 GCU Complete Discussions
HLT 600 GC Week 8 Discussion 1 Latest
How has immigration influenced the development of health care policy in the United States? Respond to three other peers and provide additional insight and/or constructive comments. One-sentence posts or peer responses are not appropriate and will not receive full credit.
HLT 600 GC Week 8 Discussion 2 Latest
How do the different committees within Congress work together to influence the development of health care policy in the United States? Respond to three other peers and provide additional insight and/or constructive comments. One-sentence posts or peer responses are not appropriate and will not receive full credit.