Higher IQs: Is It Something in the Water?

n this unit, you are introduced to James R. Flynn who, in 1984, presented evidence regarding intelligence inflation over time, which he labeled as the Flynn Effect. There have been a variety of factors proposed as explanations for this phenomenon. For example, improvements in educational opportunities for people are hypothesized as a reason for generational gains in IQ. However, if this is true, one must question why a correlation in academic gains is not being observed. Many other factors have been hypothesized and examined as potential explanations for this effect. However, the debate continues.

Based on your readings, and in your opinion, are generational gains in measure intelligence due more to factors related to (1) heredity, (2) environment, (3) some combination of both, or (4) other phenomena? Cite and reference support for your position with at least one additional peer-reviewed journal article (not assigned in your unit readings) that addresses the Flynn Effect.