Healthcare Agencies And GHDx

Healthcare Agencies And GHDx

Healthcare Agencies And GHDx

Imagine you are a Program Manager or Technical Analyst, working for the World Health Organization (WHO) or Non-governmental Organization (NGO). You have been asked to put together a PowerPoint presentation  of 8-10 slides, not including title or reference slides, about what you learned at the recent World Health Summit. Each slide with content should also include 150-200 word Speaker Notes.  Be sure to include the following information in your presentation:
  • Explain your job duties.
  • Describe the history and development of the Global Health Data Exchange (GHDx), and explain why it was formed.

Healthcare Agencies And GHDx

  • Include the types of services it provides around the world.
  • Explain how the WHO, GHDx, and the World Health Summit are involved in world health, including information about how new technology is provided for foreign countries.
  • Provide and describe the types of health care technology available in foreign countries. This can include low-income, middle-income, and high-income economies.
  • Select 5 of the best health care organizations in the world, and summarize the services they provide. Explain why these are considered the best health care organizations in the world.
  • In a table, outline significant differences among 4 nations offering the best health care as compared to those that provide low-quality health care.

Be sure to support your information by citing at least 2 scholarly references using APA format.


Flag this Question Question 172 pts In a reanalysis of published studies, Twenge and Im (2007) found that for the time period 1958–2001, the need for social approval of people in the United States was negatively correlated with the U.S. violent crime rate during the same period (the correlation coefficient was –0.31). This correlation means that:
as the need for social approval went up, the number of violent crimes also increased.
the need for social approval prevented people from committing violent crimes.
the need for social approval spurred people to commit violent crimes.
as the need for social approval went up, the number of violent crimes decreased.

Flag this Question Question 182 pts Imagine that you’ve just read the results of a study that finds a positive correlation between gum chewing and life expectancy. Which of the following statements would be a statistically appropriate response to the results of the study?
You bemoan the possibility of living so long that you will have to chew lots of gum.
You become curious about what third variables might cause both increases in gum chewing and increases in life expectancy.
You purchase a lifetime supply of gum because chewing gum is good for your health.
You tell all your friends and family members to chew gum because it is good for their health.