HCA Week 4 Assignment: Adverse Event Reporting

HCA Week 4 Assignment: Adverse Event Reporting

HCA Week 4 Assignment: Adverse Event Reporting

Adverse Event Reporting

Read Chapters 5, 6, and 7 in our textbook. After reviewing this week’s required reading, consider the following scenario: You are the lead of the risk management team that has been assigned to evaluate an incident that has occurred. You will be preparing a report for the CEO of the hospital that includes all system failures that contributed to the adverse event as well as utilizing a CQI tool (pareto, fishbone, flowchart).

You will be using the Adverse Event template document to complete the three parts to the assignment. Note: If you have responded substantively to each of the content items within the three parts of the assignment, the paper should be between six and seven pages.

Part One: Description of Adverse Event (Complete Part One of the Adverse Event template)

Choose an adverse event from the following list:
Medication error
Patient falls
Post-operative hemorrhage
The number of Discharges indicates the total number of patients who have been admitted and discharged in the hospital
Using the data listed below for your selected adverse event only, analyze and describe what the data is telling you. Make sure to include the graph in your template document.
Data – Patient Safety Event for XYZ Hospital for the year 20XX through 20YY

# of Discharges # of Surgical Cases # of Medication Errors # of Patient Falls # of Post Operative Hemorrhage
20XX 20YY 20XX 20YY 20XX 20YY 20XX 20YY 20XX 20YY
1200 1400 200 240 300 350 38 35 1 3
Feb 1278 1450 213 250 289 370 42 40 1 2
Mar 1389 1540 250 300 300 385 37 45 3 2
Apr 1199 1800 200 245 289 412 36 65 2 3
May 900 1768 159 289 215 404 40 70 1 3
Jun 1000 1690 173 285 215 398 46 65 1 2
Jul 1200 1100 215 200 278 246 50 45 2 1
Aug 1239 978 240 158 301 241 53 40 2 3
Sep 1000 1089 198 200 275 215 48 51 3 2
Oct 789 978 150 248 241 251 38 52 2 1
Nov 980 1000 175 209 230 231 42 47 2 1
Dec 700 980 145 215 200 235 25 43 3 1

Note: The number of beds and operating rooms increased effective 1/1/20YY.

List the advent chosen and include background such as prevalence of the incident.
Describe the adverse event in detail. You can make-up the scenario on the event topic chosen from the list or you can research an actual story on one of the events and utilize it for this assignment.
List who was involved in the event and their role in the event.

List the stakeholders on your CQI team. Discuss the differences among the stakeholders that might cause issues when working as a CQI team. Include barriers to their communicating effectively as a team and the communication techniques/methods utilized to inform the organization’s staff of the adverse event improvement plan.

Describe at least two operational or safety processes that might not have been followed that contributed or caused this event to take place. For instance, describe any regulations or procedures that one of the professional organizations and/or accrediting agencies would utilize to measure compliance with the standard.

Summarize the historical and contemporary issues and legal implications related to patient safety in your chosen adverse event.

Describe how processes of continuous quality monitoring could impact the adverse event you chose.
Part Two: Graph & CQI Tool (Complete Part Two of the Adverse Event template)
Graph the data

For your selected adverse event, graph the data for the two years. Include the graph in your template document. Include an analysis of the data. Determine if the frequency is increasing or decreasing. What is the data telling you? What factors could be attributed to the change?

Choose a CQI Tool that best suits your chosen Adverse Event from the following list:


Fishbone Diagram (Cause & Effect)
