Geopolitical and Phenomenological Discussion Post

Geopolitical and Phenomenological Discussion Post

Geopolitical and Phenomenological Discussion Post

Discuss how geopolitical and phenomenological place influence the context of a population or community assessment and intervention. Describe how the nursing process is utilized to assist in identifying health issues (local or global in nature) and in creating an appropriate intervention, including screenings and referrals, for the community or population.
Geopolitical and Phenomenological Discussion Post
Part 2

Education and Professional Background

My name is Amanda and I am a BSN, RN working at NuRoc Community Care Center. I teach CNA, psychology, and Medical Terminology classes at NWTC. In addition I field insurance claims from home. I am divorced and recently purchased a house in Northeast WI. I have three beautiful acres of land and love living here.

I started my career at UW Milwaukee and got a bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology. I then went on to Marquette University to obtain my Master’s in Physical Therapy. After completing my MPT I went back to UWM to obtain my bachelor’s in nursing and Masters in business administration. I truly love knowledge and value my education.

I have a lot of diverse experience under my belt as a nurse and prior to being a nurse. I worked for a year in the wound clinic at Freidert Hospital in Milwaukee. Here I treated all different types of wounds as a Physical Therapist. After becoming an RN I began to work at the Nursing home. This has tremendously expanded my critical thinking skills. I also worked at the hospital for two years mostly in oncology but also float/pool. In the midst of this I expanded my experience farther by obtaining my teaching certificate. I teach CNA courses and this semester for the first time I am teaching leadership development for associate degree nurses. I am very excited to start this course.

How do you ever know if one is ready to start school again? I feel I am as I wish to advance in my current field and eventually own a CBRF in the near future. I truly love school and learning more about nursing. In the field I have been in many leadership roles, charge nurse, team leader, facilitator, MDS Coordinator. Being involved in leadership roles confirmed my desire to advance my career in leadership and administration.

Professional Goals

The purpose for my completing a graduate program was originally to take my mind of stress in my life but has evolved into an aspiration in owning a CBRF. I want to become DON at my current job to test out how I will do as a leader and authority figure. I would like to take on a role of staff development coordinator, which will incorporate my teaching skills and nursing skills. I also aim to obtain my MSN and use it to further my career as a nursing professional.