For years homosexuality was considered a mental illness in the United States

For years homosexuality was considered a mental illness in the United States

For years homosexuality was considered a mental illness in the United States

Your response to each question should be 1 page. Your entire assignment should be 6 pages plus a title and reference page.

  1. Studies show that people in countries such as Japan and Korea tend to evaluate themselves critically in surveys; they tend to consider self as not necessarily hard-working. Explain the reasons for such cultural response bias.
  2. Native Americans and Alaska Natives report a higher prevalence of pain symptoms and painful conditions when compared with the general population of the United States. What is your understanding of these findings?
  3. It is assumed that multicultural experiences foster the creative expansion of ideas. Consider expatriate artists and writers whose brilliant insights emerged when they left their homeland settled in a foreign country. Do you think that creativity can be sparked when a person is exposed to a foreign culture?
  4. A study of samples in 32 countries showed that individualism was positively correlated with higher expressivity of emotions, especially happiness and surprise. Individualism was negatively correlated with expression of sadness. What is your understanding of these research findings?
  5. For years homosexuality was considered a mental illness in the United States. Is it still perceived as an illness today? Do you agree or disagree?
  6. Research shows that in Buddhist and Western societies may encourage two somewhat different types of motivation, namely “maximizing” and “satisfying.” Explain both briefly.
