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Evaluate and critique a SOAP note for completeness and thoroughness.
Sample Soap Note Critique
Onset: 0300 hrs today
Location: Abdomen, head, chest, generalized body aches
Duration: Intermittent
Contributing Factors – Previous flu
Relieving factors – Rest
Treatments – Acetaminophen and ibuprofen, Phenergan/codeine syrup
Diagnosed with Influenza Type A
No other significant medical history;
No surgeries;
No significant traumas
General: Fever, chills, and weakness; denies rash
HEENT: Head: Positive for headache; Eyes: positive for eye pressure; denies eye pain, photophobia, changes in vision; Ears: positive for congestion; denies ear pain, hearing loss, drainage; Nose: positive for yellow nasal discharge and congestion; Sinuses: positive for facial pain and tenderness; Mouth: denies difficulty chewing, denies oral or dental pain; Throat: positive for throat pain, denies difficulty swallowing or hoarseness
Respiratory System: positive for cough, chest tightness, shortness of breath on exertion; denies pain during breathing or difficulty breathing during rest
Cardiovascular System: Positive for chest pain during coughing, denies shortness of breath without exertion, dizzy spells, referred neck/jaw or arm discomfort or numbness, denies peripheral edema, palpitations or irregular heart rate
Abdominal: denies vomiting
GU: denies difficulty urinating, pain during urination, changes in urination
Neurological: admits to occasional headaches; denies unilateral headaches
Maternal Grandfather – Alive and well
Maternal Grandmother – Diabetes
Mother – Hypothyroidism
Father – HTN
Brother – Alive and well
Evaluate and critique a SOAP note for completeness and thoroughness
Physical Exam
General: Height: 6’, Weight: 230 lbs; BSA: 2.261. VS: B/P 118/78, Temp: 99.3 F., Respirations: 18 b/m, SPO2: 97% on room air
Appears acutely ill; no apparent distress, cooperative, alert and oriented x 3, obese, dressed appropriately for weather
Skin: Warm, dry, good turgor, soft, no rashes, lesions, masses and without hyper/hypo pigmentation or discoloration, no nodules or visible masses, no lacerations, abrasions, or ulcerations, no nail changes, there is normal hair distribution without abnormal hair loss
HEENT: Head: The head is normocephalic; Eyes: EOMs present bilaterally, pink and moist conjunctivae, no exudates, PERRLA, white sclera, normal gross visual acuity, no nystagmus, ptosis, no papilledema, hemorrhages, or exudates; Ears: ear canals free from discharge, foreign bodies, masses, impactions, tympanic membranes erythematous without bulging, retractions, or injections bilaterally; Nose: nares patent, no septal deviation, nasal turbinates are erythematous and edematous; yellow discharge visible; Mouth: Oral mucosa is intact and moist, halitosis present, no lesions, masses, or exudates, the pharynx is erythematous, the tonsils are present and slightly edematous bilaterally and without exudates; gag reflex is intact; the tongue protrudes midline without deviation
Neck: Tender left and right cervical lymph nodes, neck is supple with normal ROM, trachea is midline, no stridor noted; no jugular venous distension, no audible carotid bruits, carotid pulses strong bilaterally
Respiratory System: Lungs are clear to auscultation in all fields A & P with a normal rate and rhythm, the lung fields are resonant bilaterally, normal vesicular breath sounds present, no rales, rhonchi, wheezes, or rubs noted; the bony thorax is intact without deformities, symmetrical chest expansion;
Cardiovascular System: Heart auscultation is without murmur, gallop, clicks, or rubs with normal rate and rhythm. Normal S1 and S2, no S3 or S4 noted, heart rate at 78 beats per minute with regular rhythm, peripheral pulses are present with regular rhythm
Abdominal: Abdomen is round, smooth, and without rigidity or distension. Bowel sounds active in all four quadrants, no splenomegaly, and no hepatomegaly. Striae present to lower abdomen
Musculoskeletal: normal ROM to upper and lower extremities, no rigidity, good muscle strength and coordination
Diagnostics: Rapid Strep test negative, Rapid Flu test negative, Mono Spot negative