Emil Kraepelin’s Diagnostic Categories

Emil Kraepelin’s Diagnostic Categories

Emil Kraepelin’s Diagnostic Categories


Pearson Prentice Hall

Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet)

1. Emil Kraepelin is best known for his contributions to the study of schizophrenia. He introduced two new diagnostic categories of disordered behavior, dementia praecox and manic-depressive insanity, based on symptom differentiation, , and _

a. etiology; prognosis

b. etiology; physiology

c. prognosis; symptomology

d. prognosis; physiology

2. 0bject relations theory proposes that people have a basic drive for

a. dominating others.

b. satisfying sexual instincts.

c. engaging in social interactions. d, spiritual development.

3. The social learning model of behavioral acquisition proposes that

a. only behaviors in a social context are reinforced.

b. punishment is only effective in producing learning in humans.

c. a person does not actually have to do the behavior to learn it.

d. humans are motivated more by primary reinforcers than secondary reinforcers.

4. Gender roles directly affect the of abnormal behaviors.

a. expression

b. cause

c. severity

d. chron icity

5. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

a. Modern psychologists believe that psychopathology is physiologically based.

b. Abnormal behavior may be best understood using a single theoretical framework.

c. Understanding abnormal behaviors requires an integration of models.

d. Sociocultural factors are the best explanation for disordered behavior.


Emil Kraepelin’s Diagnostic Categories

6, The biopsychosocial perspective, compared with the perspectives of Freud, Jung, and Rogers,

a, focuses on early developments as the diathesis.

b. adequately explains all disorders.

c. assumes the nature of man to be good.

d. is broader than the other models.

7. Mario has just returned from his third deployment to Iraq. For several months after returning, he is unable to sleep and has difficulty dealing with flashbacks of mortar fire over the compound in which he worked. Using a biopsychosocial model, we might explain his problems as deriving from

a. the stress of deployment alone.

b. a diathesis and the stress of deployment.

c. a lack of social support.

d. a failure in coping alone.

8. A researcher is interested in studying the effect of orange juice on test performance. She will evaluate the test performance of students who drink the juice a half-hour before the test against the performance of students who receive nothing to drink before the test. The groups are equivalent in terms of demographics, intelligence, and prior college classes. In this

example, the orange juice would be the _

a. experimental control

b. control variable

c. independent variable


9. One way to overcome a limitation of the case study method is to

a. standardize the types of treatment methods used.

b. vary the number of sessions used.

c. generate conclusions as to the cause of a disorder in a case report.

d. vary the levels of the independent variable.

10. Select the following characteristic that IS NOT typical of a single-case research design.

a. A baseline assessment of behavior occurs as a first step in the research design.

b. A treatment is applied during the experimental phase and then withdrawn in the next phase.

c. Several behaviors are changed during the experimental phases.

d. Decreases in behavior during treatment demonstrate the effectiveness of the intervention.


Emil Kraepelin’s Diagnostic Categories

11. Which of the following IS NOT a feature of randomized controlled designs that can affect a study’s outcome?

a. internal validity

b. participant selection procedures

c. assessment strategies

d. moderator variables

12.Whereas efficacy research focuses on . , effectiveness research targets

a. causal relationships; success rates.

b. cost-benefit ratio; causal relationships

c. causal relationships; cost-benefit ratios

d. success rates; causal relationships

13. One major limitation of group-based research In earlier clinical research in abnormal psychology is the

a. over reliance on self-report measures.

b. overuse of white college students as participants.

c. failure to use blind conditions.

d. Inappropriate use of statistical procedures.

14. The epidemiological approach to the study of abnormal behavior is one that

a. grew out of a need to evaluate cisorders within older cohorts.

b. focuses on behavioral aberrations at the subgroup level.

c. focuses on behavioral aberrations at the popu lation level.

d. primarily focuses on the causes of behavioral disorders.

15.Dr. A and Dr. B are studying the effects of war on posttraumatic stress disorder. They both administer the same interview to the same soldiers returning from war. Which of the following psychometric test properties is being addressed in this example?

a. Test-retest reliability

b. I nter-rater agreement

c. Referent reliability

d. Normative agreement

Emil Kraepelin’s Diagnostic Categories

16. Selecting the best set of instruments to address the clinician’s questions depends on the goals of assessment, the properties of the Instruments, and the

a. referral source’s theoretical orientation.

b. persons available to provide additional information through interviews.

c. amount of time available for the assessment.

d. nature of the patient’s difficulties.

17. While a major benefit of the unstructured interview lies in its flexibility, a major drawback exists in the

a. amount of time required to complete it.

b. potential unreliability of conclusions drawn from it.

c. resistance of the patient to answer all questions contained in it.

d. inability of the client to articulate symptoms.

18. Mr. Smith is a 67-year-old insurance salesman who is being admitted to an inpatient facility for substance abuse treatment. Using the Global Assessment of Functioning Scale, the clinician evaluates Mr. Smith to be functioning at a level of 45. What is the clinician communicating in assigning this score?

a. Mr. Smith’s symptoms are transient and expectable reactions to a psychosocial stressor.

b. Mr. Smith’s functioning is good in all areas, especially given his current condition.

c. Mr. Smith may have serious symptoms or serious impairment in areas of overall fu nction i ng.

d. Mr. Smith’s case does not provide enough information to evaluate his general level of functioning.

19. The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) assesses intelligence in which of the following age ranges?

a. 7-16 years b.2 112-7 years

c. 7-12 years

d. 7-14 years

20. ln the technique known as behavioral observation, the first step is

a. choosing an observer who can work without bias.

b. defining the behavior so that it can be closely observed and reliably monitored.

c. determining whether the patient can keep reliable records of his or her own behavior.

d. testing possible observers to see if they can be sufficiently attentive in a natural environment.



21. A patient comes to a clinician with complaints of depression and anxiety. If applying the DSM-III rule of no symptom appearing In more than one category, what would likely be the diagnostic result?

a. The rule would not affect the diagnosis.

b. No diagnosis would be entered given the contradictory information.

c. Comorbid diagnoses would be recorded.

d. The International Classification of Diseases-IO would be used.

22. Experiencing vivid and frightening images of monsters while in a state of sleep paralysis is an

example of the concept of _

a. a hypnagogic state

b. generalized anxiety disorder

c. a panic attack

d. a hypsonomic state

23. Research indicates that the generalized subtype of social phobia is associated with a childhood history of

a. panic attacks.

b. shyness.

c. neglect.

d. abuse.

24. Onl’! fl’!atum of obsessions that creates anxiety for an individual is their

a. extreme specificity.

b. intrusive nature.

c. startle value.

d. rapid onset.

2S. AII of the following EXCEPT are symptoms of PTSD.

a. numbing

b. an overactive sympathetic nervous system

c. an exaggerated startle response

d. compulsions


Emil Kraepelin’s Diagnostic Categories

26. Family and genetic studies tell us that compared with relatives of people without an anxiety disorder, relatives of someone diagnosed with an anxiety disorder are

a. more likely to also have the disorder.

b. less likely to have the disorder.

c. not at higher risk for the disorder.

d. less susceptible to have the disorder.

27. Biofeedback training often combines monitoring of physiological responses with

a. in vivo exposure.

b. medication.

c. self-reports of anxiety levels.

d. relaxation training.

28. Across all anxiety disorders, improvement rates for cognitive-behavioral therapy average about

a.53. b.70. c.98. d.20.

29. Which of the following IS NOT true of people with somatoform disorders?

a. They have a major impact on our medical systems.

b. Sometimes, several different physicians evaluate the same patient complaint.

c. They often “doctor-shop.”

d. They are usually relieved to learn their psychological diagnosis.

30. At this time, the etiology of somatoform disorders is poorly understood and must be

approached from a perspective.

a. physiological

b. psychological

c. medical

d. interpersonal

31. The notion that sufferers of somatoform disorders may experience bodi Iy sensations as intense, noxious, and disturbing is known as

a. Somatic Over-sensitivity

b. Somatic Amplification

c. Somatic Desensitization

d. Somatic Delusions


Emil Kraepelin’s Diagnostic Categories

44. The use of laxatives in bulimia nervosa may lead to edema, dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, and

a. chronic fluid retention.

b. severe intermittent bouts of gastritis.

c. irreversible bowel dysfunction.

d. permanent i rregu lar heartbeats.

45. Yolanda has been diagnosed as having an eating disorder involving “chewing and spitting.”

Given this information, what is the most likely formal diagnosis for her?

a. Anorexia Nervosa

b. Bulimia Nervosa

c. Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

d. Restrictive Eating Disorder

46. Epidemiologic data on eating disorders

a. suggest that eating disorders are more prevalent among black women than white women in the U.S.

b. do not provide us with a clear picture of the racial and ethnic distribution of the disorders.

c. indicate that American Indian females have a disproportionately high rate of eating disorders compared to Hispanic females.

d. suggest that anorexia nervosa among black women is underreported.

47. Jenna is a young adolescent and has been diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. Most likely, her recovery and treatment wil] address issues related to independence, trust, and

a. separation anxiety.

b. emotional freedom.

c. establishing romantic relationships.

d. assertiveness.

48. Salvador Minuchin, who investigated patterns of family dysfunction among patients with eating disorders, identified “enmeshment” as

a. a family’s willingness to maintain the sick status of the affected member.

b. familial attempts to cover up the family member’s illness. C. the overidentification of family rrembers with the therapist.

d. overinvolvement of all family members In the affairs of one member.

49. The only FDA-approved drug for an eating disorder is fluoxetine, and it is prescribed for

a. bulimia nervosa.

b. anorexia nervosa.

c. eating disorder not otherwise specified.

d. bingeing.


Emil Kraepelin’s Diagnostic Categories

50. Female sexual arousal disorder is characterized Oy ~ ::v’~ s.er.t inability to attain or maintain an adequate lubrication-swelling response until the complet.cn 07 sexual activity. According to your text, why is this disorder controversial?

a. It may not exist independently of disorders of sexual desire or orgasmic disorder.

b. There is very limited empirical support for it.

c. It always accompanies cases of decreased sexual desire.

d. It is considered to be another example of labeling normal sexual behavior as dysfunctional.

5l. Which of the following sexual dysfunctions is most common among men?

a. Premature Ejaculation

b. Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder

c. Sexual Aversion Disorder

d. Male Erectile Disorder

52. The sexual dysfunction most often responsive to pharmacologic treatment is

a. hormonal insufficiency.

b. erectile dysfunction.

c. female sexual arousal disorder.