Discussion – Communication and Teamwork

Discussion – Communication and Teamwork

Discussion – Communication and Teamwork After completing this week’s reading, you have learned that teamwork is an essential part of Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) and healthcare delivery. Healthcare professional roles include physicians, nurses, diagnostics and radiology staff, hospital administrators, patient registration, and triage staff, etc. Each role has its own contribution to ensuring the delivery of quality care.

In your opinion, discuss two of the roles listed above and their role in the delivery of quality care. Identify two professional responsibilities of the chosen roles, and link them to the quality improvement process of improving patient wait times in the Emergency Room. Include communication techniques this role would utilize to assist in improving patient wait times to the CQI team or staff.

Your initial post should be 250-300 words and utilize at least one scholarly source from the Ashford University Library to justify your statements. Cite all sources in APA format.

Guided Response: Choose two classmates’ posts and respond to the following question: Choose two of their choices and explain why you agree or disagree with their rationale. Explain your answer. List at least one scholarly source to support your rationale. Cite all sources in APA format as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.


  1. CQI ReflectionIn the first week of the course, you were tasked with completing the Introduction Self-Check and posting your definition of CQI based on your knowledge at that time. Over the last 5 weeks, we have learned about legal and regulatory requirements, government mandates, and CQI models and tools, as well as how to analyze the use of data in improvement processes related to ensuring the delivery of quality care. In reflection of the past 5 weeks, compare your initial knowledge of the CQI process (and all that it entails) to your newly acquired knowledge. Discuss your thoughts on CQI. Discuss at least two new concepts that you learned and how you think they can be applied in your professional career after graduation. Include an example of how a CQI process can be used to improve patient care within the scope of your chosen career.

    Guided Response: Choose two classmates’ responses and respond by adding a different viewpoint to how they will apply CQI. For example, you can add information that they may not have thought of in their example or include a website resource that can illustrate the use of CQI based on their response. Share ideas, articles, and other sources that you have found in your research over the last 5 weeks with your classmates.