Discussion 2: Conceptual Foundations Of Community Psychology

Discussion 2: Conceptual Foundations Of Community Psychology

Discussion 2: Conceptual Foundations Of Community Psychology

Discussion 2 – Week 2 COLLAPSE

Issue Posts:

The discussion topic this week focuses on conceptual foundations of community psychology, with particular attention to ecological foundations and issues of power and injustice. Consider and respond to the following. Be sure to draw from and cite required readings as well as your own personal and professional experiences and other sources of knowledge.

Issue Post Discussion #2:

Give an example of an injustice that concerns you. Describe the potential role of community psychology for addressing the injustice. Discuss the importance of commitment and accountability in addressing injustice at personal, relational, and collective levels.


Issue main posts are due by Day 5.

Review Nelson & Prilleltensky’s (2010) guidelines for psychopolitical validity (Tables 6.1 & 6.2). Consider how your own personal experiences with power and injustice are likely to influence your sense of commitment and accountability to social change at collective, relational, and personal levels.