Differing Approaches Of Nursing Leaders

Differing Approaches Of Nursing Leaders

Differing Approaches Of Nursing Leaders

This assignment, you will be writing a 1,000-1,250-word essay describing the differing approaches of nursing leaders and managers to issues in practice. To complete this assignment, do the following:

Select an issue from the following list: nursing shortage and nurse turn-over, nurse staffing ratios, unit closures and restructuring, use of contract employees (i.e., registry and travel nurses), continuous quality improvement and patient satisfaction, and magnet designation.
Compare and contrast how you would expect nursing leaders and managers to approach your selected issue. Support your rationale by using the theories, principles, skills, and roles of the leader versus manager described in your readings.
Identify the approach that best fits your personal and professional philosophy of nursing and explain why the approach is suited to your personal leadership style.
Use at least two references other than your text and those provided in the course.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.


Differing Approaches Of Nursing Leaders

Week 1 Journal

As a future advanced practice nurse, it is important that you are able to connect your classroom experience to your practicum experience. By applying the concepts you study in the classroom to clinical settings, you enhance your professional competency. Each week, you complete an Assignment such as a Journal Entry or SOAP Note that prompts you to reflect on your practicum experiences and relate them to the material presented in the classroom. This week, you begin documenting your practicum experiences in your Practicum Journal. To prepare for this course’s Practicum Experience, address the following in your practicum journal:

Select an aging theory to guide your practice.
Develop goals and objectives for the Practicum Experience in this course. Be sure to consider geriatric competencies.
Create a timeline of practicum activities based on your practicum requirements.

Week 2 Journal

To prepare for this course’s Practicum Experience, reflect on implications of age-related changes in geriatric patients. Explain how you might differentiate between normal behaviors/disorders due to aging and abnormal behavior/disorders that are not age related. Include how functional assessments might help distinguish “normal” from “abnormal.”

Week 4 Journal

Reflect on medication adherence issues you have encountered with geriatric patients in your practicum setting. Explain implications of these issues on patient health, as well as strategies to improve medication adherence for geriatric patients. If you did not have an opportunity to evaluate a patient with this background during the last 4 weeks, you can select a related case study or reflect on previous clinical experiences.

*Please use APA format. Cite references within the paper along with a reference list at the end.