Diagnosing Organizational Sys – Phyllis Young

Diagnosing Organizational Systems (Psychology) Phyllis Young Complete an exercise designed to simulate the process of evaluating, selecting, designing, and conducting an organizational assessment. As discussed previously, an organizational assessment is the process of evaluating various areas within the organization with regard to what is working well and what could be changed. An organizational assessment determines how internal factors affect external competitiveness. It involves a full-systems view of where the organization stands to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness in achieving the organization’s mission. When viewed as an open system, organizations can be diagnosed at three levels: organizational level, group level, and individual level. Identify an organization to diagnose. You may continue to use the organization you have evaluated in previous modules’ assignments, or you may select a new organization. It is best to select an organization where you are currently working or were previously employed. This may be a nonprofit or volunteer organization. However, it is essential that you can identify the organization in terms of structure, culture, and work process. Think of the organization as a system.