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Development of an Interprofessional Team
o Analyze the factors contributing to a problematic health care issue.
· Competency 2: Explain the role of health care leaders in facilitating interprofessional collaboration.
o Explain the need for interprofessional collaboration to improve the quality and safety of health care in specific instances.
o Assess the effectiveness of a particular leadership approach in building and maintaining interprofessional collaborative relationships.
o Develop a collaborative plan for improving the quality and safety of health care in specific instances.
o Determine the leader’s role in implementing collaborative health care improvement projects.
· Competency 4: Determine the influence of the practitioner-scholar role on professional practice and leadership development.
o Determine how the practitioner-scholar model might be applied in resolving a particular health care issue.
· Competency 5: Communicate effectively with diverse audiences, in an appropriate form and style, consistent with applicable organizational, professional, and scholarly standards.
Development of an Interprofessional Team
· Nursing research is systematic inquiry to develop knowledge about issues of importance to nurses. Nurses are adopting an evidence-based practice (EBP) that incorporates research findings into their clinical decisions.
· Nurses can participate in a range of research-related activities that span a continuum from being consumers of research (those who read and evaluate studies) and producers of research (those who design and undertake studies).
· Nursing research began with Florence Nightingale but developed slowly until its rapid acceleration in the 1950s. Since the 1970s, nursing research has focused on problems relating to clinical practice.
· The National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR), established at the U.S. National Institutes of Health in 1993, affirms the stature of nursing research in the United States.
· Contemporary emphases in nursing research include EBP projects, replications of research, research integration through systematic reviews, multisite and interdisciplinary studies, expanded dissemination efforts, and increased focus on health disparities.
· Disciplined research is a better evidence source for nursing practice than other sources, such as tradition, authority, personal experience, trial and error, intuition, and logical reasoning.
· Nursing research is conducted mainly within one of two broad paradigms—worldviews with underlying assumptions about reality: the positivist paradigm and the constructivist paradigm.
· In the positivist paradigm, it is assumed that there is an objective reality and that natural phenomena are regular and orderly. The related assumption of determinism is the belief that phenomenas result from prior causes and are not haphazard.
· In the constructivist (naturalistic) paradigm, it is assumed that reality is not fixed but is rather a construction of human minds; thus, “truth” is a composite of multiple constructions of reality.