Developing A Group Proposa

introducion 2 page at least

Guidelines in Developing a Group Proposal 

Introduction Part:

· Why is there a need for such a group?

· What type of group are you forming?

· For whom is the group intended? Identify the specific population. What do you know about the needs for this population?

· Most importantly your rationale for this group needs or be clear and convincing, remember you might have to convince an audience about why there is a need for your group.

· State your goals or what you expect to achieve?


· How many members in your group? Is there a specific age group?

· Are you planning to conduct any pre-group interviewing or pre-screening candidates?

· Where will the group meet and how long will the sessions be?

· Will it be an open or closed group? Would there be any group pre-selection or pre-screening?

· What topics will be explored in this group?

Final Part:

· This part should include how you see your initial goals achieved, or what you expect your group members to accomplish after attending your group.

· If you are administering a pre-screening tool what do you expect to see as you complete the group as far as changes in the scores.

experiential paper is an essay the question is a guideine


Group Dynamics Experiential Paper

The following questions should help you structure the paper on your experiences as a group leader and member through out the different role-playing opportunities in class. Please write a 3 pages paper reflecting on the following questions.

1. How did you imagine would be a group leader experience before you played the role and how did you feel while being in the particular role?

The experience of group leader, was more complicated than I thought, because I believed in a principle that was only to listen and speak, but it was very difficult to manage the group, since the topic that we were sent to represent was a complicated throne, issues arose they were related, but at the same time, I discovered that many of the things that happen to us in the work or in our house can be reflected in the group, the most complicated for my point of view was to try to resolve sentimental situations that I had not seen, also It is important to emphasize that when you are the leader of the group you have to have integrity and put order so that there can be an excellent dynamic.

2. What issues came up for you as you watch a particular member work or interact?

3. What did you learn about the use of leadership skills and techniques from experiencing a particular interaction? Please give some examples.

4. Mention a few problems and issues you faced as a beginning group leader? Please discuss what were your major concerns as a group leader.