Data collection system for fidelity of implementation

Data collection system for fidelity of implementation

Data collection system for fidelity of implementation

Please complete the following sections by typing a response in Arial 12 regular font for each question. Use as much space as you need but remember technical writing is succinct and concise.

1) Identify the experimental question(s) your research will answer.Ā  Your question(s) must contain a dependent variable (observable measurable outcome written as an operational definition), an independent variable (observable measurable intervention/treatment written as an operational definition), and usually an indication of the participant(s). A concise, succinct, 15 word or less ā€œtitleā€ of your project might be a good place to start. Write your question here:

What are the effects of a weighted vest with children with autism when it comes to behaviors?

2) Write the independent variable(s) in an operational definition that you wish to investigate

The independent variable is the weighted vest. Staff will appropriately and accurately record behavioral data on when the kids have the vest on and when they donā€™t have the vest on, data collection forms over a 30-day period with 100% accuracy.

2a) Would two independent observers be able to agree that theĀ independent variableĀ was implemented with fidelity or accurately as designed? In other words state how will you determine treatment fidelity; that is, the degree to which the implementation of your treatment precisely matches the intervention as designed each time it is implemented. What empirical evidence, information, or data would they have available to them to demonstrate the independent variable was implemented?


Yes, there will be a schedule on when to put this vest on and when to take it off and what to observe when the vest is on such as body language, aggression, tantrum behaviors: such as screaming, kicking, throwing objects.

3) Write theĀ dependent variable(s) using the operationally defined terms necessary to measure them.

The dependent variable would be the childā€™s behaviors aggression as biting, kicking, scratching and hitting, tantrums such as yelling, screaming, throwing objects.

3a) Would two independent observers be able to agree that theĀ dependent variableĀ occurred or did not occur based on your definition? What evidence, information, or data would they have available to them to demonstrate the dependent variable occurred or did not occur? In other words what will you do to ensure reliability of observations of theĀ dependent variable? Yes they would be able to tell whether the child is having behaviors because the behaviors they would be looking.

4) Envision what your data collection sheets will look like to best capture the information that two independent observers will collect on your Dependent Variable. Create a sample of what your data sheet will look like, and using your dependent variable(s) operational definition imagine your are collecting data in your study and fill in your data sheet.

4a) Do the data make sense? Does the format demonstrate an answer to your research question? Was it possible to collect that much information in the time allotted? Ask a partner to collect data using the definitions youā€™ve created and see if they are able to do it. Incorporate feedback until you have a measurement system and modified operational definitions that will provide you with the information you need to answer your research question.

5) Plot out your hypothetical or pilot data from your data collection sheet on a single case design graph including the dependent and independent variables so you can better assess if the information your are collecting is the correct information to answer your research question. Are there additional types of data you should collect so that you can better answer your question? Repeat steps 1 to 5 until you can see in your graphs that you will be able to answer your research questions with the variables you have defined.

5a). Submit the final version of your data sheet and sample graph into the Week 3 dropbox in eLearning.

By completing the 5 steps above, you should now have 5 items:

1. Research question

2. Independent Variable(s)

3. Data collection system for fidelity of implementation

4. Dependent Variable(s)

5. Data collection system that enables inter-rater reliability of data.