Current Scenario of Health Insurance Plans

Current Scenario of Health Insurance Plans

Current Scenario of Health Insurance Plans

Currently, in the United States, an individual is not required to  purchase a health insurance plan. However, according to Section 1501 of  the PPACA, beginning in 2014, “Individuals will be required to maintain  minimum essential coverage beginning in 2014. Failure to maintain  coverage will result in a penalty of $95 in 2014, $350 in 2015, $750 in  2016 and indexed thereafter.”

Currently, employers are not required to provide health insurance  coverage to their employees. However, in 2014, the employers’  responsibility in health insurance coverage will change, according to  the PPACA. This is the latest update in a long line of US health care  reform efforts.

Using South University Online Library or the Internet, search on the  topic of latest health care reforms. On the basis of your research and  your understanding of the topic, answer the following questions:

  • Track the progress of health care reform efforts in the US history  starting with the early 1900s detailing the role of Presidents’  attempting to pass health care reform.
  • Give your views on the AALL’s efforts to pass National Health Reform.
  • What are the issues of culture, politics, and special interests in  the United States that have made health care reform difficult to  achieve?
  • Of these three issues, which issue do you find to be the most difficult to overcome? Why?
  • What is path dependency? What has this been an issue in health reform? How can the power of inertia be overcome?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of PPACA that was passed in 2010?


Professional Networking

“Currently in many states, a nurse is determined to be competent when initially licensed and thereafter unless proven otherwise. Yet many believe this is not enough and are exploring other approaches to assure continuing competence in today’s environment where technology and practice are continually changing, new health care systems are evolving and consumers are pressing for providers who are competent” (Whittaker, Carson, & Smolenski, 2000).

“The ultimate outcomes of continuing nursing education (CNE) activities are to improve the professional practice of nursing and thereby the care that is provided by registered nurses to patients” (American Nurses Credentialing Center’, 2014)

Effective workplace learning, based on current evidence, appears to show potential to prevent errors, support health professional reflection on practice and performance, foster ongoing professional development, and sustain improved individual and organization performance outcomes.