Cross-Cultural Psychology Paper

Cross-Cultural Psychology Paper

Cross-Cultural Psychology Paper

Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you analyze cross-cultural psychology. As a part of your analysis, be sure to address the following items:

Define cultural and cross-cultural psychology. Analyze the relationship between cultural and cross-cultural psychology. Discuss the role of critical thinking in cross-cultural psychology. Discuss the methodology associated with cross-cultural research.

If your assignment is to write a five-six page paper, you may find it most useful to follow the nine-paragraph model where the first two paragraphs constitute the introduction, the next six form the body, and the final two paragraphs as the conclusion. The introduction and conclusion frame your essay, and the body presents the information necessary to support your thesis.

Each of the six paragraphs should concern one specific issue which supports your main argument. For example, if your assignment is to write a paper on the consequences of the American War for Independence, these six paragraphs might touch on social, economic, and political aspects which demonstrate that Independence resulted in either profound or minimal changes (your thesis).


This format, of course, can be modified as necessary to meet the specific needs of your topic. If you are writing a 20-page research paper, the introduction might be several paragraphs long. If your assignment is to write a three-page paper, follow the five-paragraph model where the first paragraph is the introduction, the next three form the body, and the final paragraph is the conclusion.