Conducting a Library Search NR 500 Week 4

Conducting a Library Search NR 500 Week 4

Conducting a Library Search NR 500 Week 4

The choice of Boolean terminology can markedly affect your search returns. Select a topic related to your area of practice, and select two scholarly databases to find information on the topic. Describe the search. What key words did you use? How many articles did your initial search yield? How did you narrow or expand the search? How many articles did you find once you narrowed or expanded the search? Summarize the results from the search.

Conducting a Library Search Sample DQ Response

The topic that most interest me is implementing pressure ulcer interventions in the ED, such as turn and position every 2 hours, keeping skin clean and dry from bodily fluids, and reducing friction and shearing will reduce the patients chance of developing hospital acquired pressure ulcers.

The article that sparked my interest was from the Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing and was given to me by the ED Clinical Nurse Specialist. The purpose of the article was to determine if implementing pressure ulcer interventions in the emergency department was possible. The article used data analysis to examine the relationship of the ED visit and the hospital-acquired pressure ulcers of patients who were directly admitted to the hospital from the ED (Denby & Rowlands, 2010, p. 35 Conducting a Library Search NR 500 Week 4). The results in the article show that pressure ulcer interventions should be implemented in during the ED length of stay.

Internurse Database

The first database I accessed through the Chamberlain library is the Internurse (Mark Allen Group Online Library). The owner or publisher of Internurse is MA Healthcare Limited is part of the Mark Allen Group. The Internurse is a United Kingdom database that features peer- reviewed nursing content and the British Journal of Nursing. The Internurse database is relevant to my topic because Iā€™m able to access articles regarding pressure ulcer prevention and treatmentĀ from the British Journal of Nursing and the Journal of Wound Care. Internurse is a trial database to the Chamberlain library, but I have used it in the past through my place of employment for previous research and had good success with it.

To start a broad search, I used the keyword pressure ulcer. This provided me a result of 4,400 articles to look through. I then decided to use the advanced search and I changed my keyword to pressure ulcer prevention and customized my dates from January 2012 to December 2017 and this search produced 807 results. The first article the I looked through by J. Stephen- Haynes discusses how prevention of pressure ulcers and maintenance of healthy skin integrity is a clinical challenge for healthcare professionals (2013, p. S57).

Utilizing skin care bundles and barrier film protection can contribute to the prevention of hospital acquired skin ulcerations and the maintenance of health skin integrity (Stephen-Haynes, 2013, p. S57). This is an article that I would use to help develop a skin care bundle for the ED. Lastly, I changed my keyword to pressure ulcer assessment and added emergency department as a second keyword and this yielded 75 results. One article I reviewed by E. Thorpe discusses how implementing prophylactic prevention strategies as soon as the patient enters a critical care unit can significantly reduce incidence of hospital based (2016, p. S6).

Cochrane Library Database

The second database I utilized from the Chamberlain library was the Cochrane Library.Ā The Cochrane library was developed and is maintained by the Cochrane Collaboration. The Cochrane Collaboration is an international not-for-profit organization and is powered by the Wiley Online Library. The Cochrane library is a collection of databases that provides scientific reviews and research on evidence based healthcare interventions. The Cochrane library is easy to navigate, clinicians can provide several key words or terms to search for scientific reviews,Ā trials, and studies.

The Cochrane library is relevant to my topic because I could locate seventeen articles on the interventions of nutritional support for prevention of ulcers, support surfaces for prevention, massage therapy for prevention, and repositioning of the patient for preventing pressure ulcers. I used the keyword pressure ulcer prevention to yield the results. When I added the keyword emergency department to the advanced search it reduced my results to five of the articles. The methods of treatment presented in the seventeen articles are evidence-based practices to prevent pressure ulcers. This information will allow me to build my research to prove that early pressure ulcer prevention is necessary to reduce PU cost and maintain skin integrity.

Conducting a Library Search NR 500 Week 4 References

Denby, A., Rowlands, A. (2010). Stop them at the door: Should a pressure ulcer prevention protocol be implemented in the emergency department?.Journal of wound, ostomy and continence nursing, 37 (1), 35-38.

Stephen-Haynes, J. (2013). The role of barrier protection in pressure ulcer prevention. British Journal of Nursing, 22 (20), S52-S58. doi:

Thorpe, E. (2016). Prophylactic use of dressings for pressure ulcer prevention in the critical care unit. British Journal of Nursing, 25 (12), S6-S12. doi:

Response to Instructor: When you are beginning a search, how do you determine which databases you will choose for your research?

Dr. Ryan and classmates,

When I start a search for a topic I know that online databases are often organized according to: the subject, — Business, Medicine, Architecture, etc.; the type of publication — newspapers, trade publications, scholarly journals; or a combination of both of these methods of organization. Next, I usually decide what type of resource is more likely to have the information I need, such as a scholarly journal, a newspaper, etc.

Deciding the most likely source will help me to determine which database to use. I know that different databases are composed of information from different types of sources. Another detail I consider when selecting a database is if the database provides full-text, only citations, and /or abstracts. If a database does not have full-text, I will need to allow myself extra research time to locate the full-text of the articles or contact a Chamberlain librarian to help me place an Interlibrary Loan request. Conducting a Library Search NR 500 Week 4

I also need to consider if there are special advanced features that can improve your search results or make searching easier: does this database allow me to limit my search to a specific date range, or to a particular magazine or journal; does this database allow me to email, download, or export articles to RefWorks; are there features that can help me to generate better search terms, like the Thesaurus feature or the “Browse Subject Headings” features in some EBSCO databases?

NR 500 Week 5 DiscussionĀ PICO (T) (graded)

The PICO (T) format is a way to develop a clinical question that lends itself to searching for evidence. Select a common nursing practice (e.g., wound care management) in your clinical setting and formulate a PICO question. Once you have formulated your question, conduct a library search and locate one scholarly article that addresses the topic you have selected. Post your clinical question in the TD, explain the PICO (T) elements, and provide a full reference of the article you selected.

NR 500 Week 6 Discussion Clinical Significance (graded)

Explore these issues on the Internet and through other resources. Share what you find out on these topics:

Confidence Intervals: Why are they useful in helping to determine clinical significance?

There are many controversies surrounding the issue of clinical significance vs. statistical significance. Identify one of them and summarize it. Finish with your opinion about the controversy.

NR 500 Week 7Ā Creating a Professional Presentation (graded)

Think about good and not-so-good professional presentations that you have attended in the past. Give an example of what made an effective presentation. Give another example of what detracted from their ability to deliver a message to the audience.

NR 500 Week 8 DiscussionĀ What Did You Learn (graded)

Reflecting on this course, consider and answer the following questions: How do you envision using the AACN essentials learned in this course in your future graduate course work? How do you envision using the concepts learned in this course in your future nursing practice? Conducting a Library Search NR 500 Week 4