Condense Chapter 1-3 Into 30 Page Proposal

Condense Chapter 1-3 Into 30 Page Proposal

Condense Chapter 1-3 Into 30 Page Proposal


1.1 Introduction

Research states that half of marriages in the United States will end in divorce, and about half of American children will experience the divorce of their parents before the age of 18 (Amato, 2000; Copen et al., 2012). According to the US Census Bureau, The rate of divorce in America is computed as the number of divorces relative to 1,000 married ladies, during the late 1980s and early 1990s; the rate of divorce reached a historic high of 22.6 divorces (United States Census Bureau, 2013). Research has focused on the reasons that’s “why” and methodology that is “how” divorce affects children’s adjustment, given a large number of children that are affected by divorce. Research regularly shows a negative correlation between parental divorce and children wellbeing.

For example, children coming from divorced families tend to deal more harshly with life’s circumstances, by experiencing depression and get stuck forming close relationships with others. Children also tend to have antisocial behaviors. In addition to these measures, establishing and developing a close intimate relationship is an important indicator of how children adjust to their parents’ divorce. Research has found parental divorce to have a significant adverse effect on children’s relationship, such as intimacy and establishing trust and close relationship with others (Daly, 2003). Among children of divorce, few studies have examined boys and girls emotional perspective about divorce. There is less research on the long-term effect of parental divorce and coping strategies about how children focused on divorce.

The rates of divorce rose a dramatic 79 percent in Divorce on Children the United States between 1970 and 1977. Although these escalated rates have since declined, many marriages still end up in divorce. According to the US Census Bureau (2013), in the 1970s, children were considered better off living with one parent than living with both parents during and amidst conflict, abuse, or both. Indeed, there is a substantial affirmation from many research studies that indicate a “conflict-ridden” marriage is not in the best interest of the children. This research paper summarizes the findings of several recent studies related to this question.


Condense Chapter 1-3 Into 30 Page Proposal

1.2 Background of the Problem

Despite personal values, community standards, or religious teachings, divorce is a fact of life, as shown by these facts: 2 of 5 children will experience the divorce of their parents before they reach of 18; About 25 percent of every child will all people regardless of spending some time in a step family regardless of race, color, national origin, A couple’s marriage lasts about 7.2 sex, age, or disability. According to US Census Bureau, divorce rate leveled in the 1980’s at the rate of 11 percent lower than in 1979 and there are about 1,250,000 divorces cases per year in the United States; and every year, over 1 million children under age 18 are involved in a divorce (United States Census Bureau, 2013).

Divorce is so complicated a phenomenon than it appears on the outside. Discontinuing a marriage relationship is not a short-term occurrence that occurs in a courtroom but a process. Usually, some circumstances and conducts on the part of either spouse’s erode the positive feelings toward one or the other or both. Throughout the duration, one or both of the couple becomes persuaded that the relationship is not at least functional. The divorcing couples and the whole family encounter rapid changes that impact nearly every aspect of their lives.

There have been dramatic and remarkable changes in American family in the last five decades. There are now a large number of the family structure present in today’s society including married, divorced, cohabitating, step families, single, foster, same-sex couples, and intergenerational households. However, marriage remains the desired status in society, with a lot of the early research on family change referring to stable married families in analytic models. A number of research have been committed to understanding the effect of parental divorce on children and research propose that some ramifications of divorce are long-lasting, but more research his especially needed on the long-term impact outcomes of children of divorce.

According to Wolchik, Schenck, and Sandler (2009), parental divorce is one of the most prevalent adversities experienced by adults, and children in the United States. Research states that children who experienced parental divorce are at risk for a host of adverse outcomes. Mustonen et al., (2011), says that research has measured divorce and the consequences it has on children and found the association between parental divorce in childhood and the quality of intimate relationship children have in early adulthood. The majority of these studies have consistently found a negative correlation between parental divorce or otherwise non-intact family structure and children’s intimate relationship.

The effects of divorce for both boys and girls needs further research to compare the differences. There is a necessity of further research to differentiate whether or not divorce affects more boys than girls; and this are the gaps and tensions that this writer will be addressed in this proposed study. For example, Mustonen, et al., (2011) used data a longitudinal 16- year prospective follow-up between 1983 and 1999 to explore the effect of various family structures on children ages 8 to 16 relationship outcomes. The results showed on both measures of parental divorce in child hood and intimate relationships quality in adulthood, children from two-parent homes since birth, on average, significantly less achieved children from divorce homes, parents death and multiple transition homes by 82%.

Condense Chapter 1-3 Into 30 Page Proposal

1.3 Problem Statement

A child’s view of separation will be dictated by age and sexual orientation, and, in addition, the youngster’s history of anxiety and adapting. At the point when unpleasant occasions exceed accessible defensive elements, even the strongest tyke can create issues. A developing assortment of data proposes that sure components may make a few kids more at danger for badly adjusting than other youngsters. Some are unchangeable, and some existed before separation. Others apply impressive weights on children at the season of detach mentor separate, and still others impact the youngsters taking after separation.

Stress, unreliability issues, family and companions’ contention, family disregard, and financial hardship are issues kids experience from segregation. Separation is traumatic to tyke wellbeing because children and their parents need to manage the misfortune. Young men and young ladies bargain contrastingly with misfortunes. This examination is going to attempt and separate regardless of whether separation influences a bigger number of guys than females. The effects of divorce are entirely unsettling. Despite the fact that the gatherings that choose to break up their union may trust that it benefits them, it may not be beneficial for them. Separation has numerous effects to different substances. Its effects range from mental to money related. It likewise influences the kids who are constrained by another status startlingly. They need to live with one guardian rather than two folks. Exploration demonstrates that offspring of the gatherings who wish to break up their marriage are maybe a most exceedingly awful portion influenced groups.

It is unfortunate that divorce affects children throughout their lives. Noteworthy is the fact that children of divorced partners are more vulnerable to abuse. Parents provide social security for their children. However, in an instance where the parents live apart as they are divorced, the children do not get the parental love they should receive from their parents. Research indicates that such children are prone to drug and substance abuse particularly in the teenage due to the adolescent crisis. They exhibit severe cases of behavior flaws, cognitive and emotional challenges among other problems. Those who may not be able to handle such challenges may result in solitude and suicide among other anti-social behaviors.

1.4 Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this quantitative, experimental, causal-comparative study is to examine males and females, high school students, in a suburban school in Connecticut for the year 2015-2016 school year, compared to inner-city high school students in the same academic year 2015-2016. Divorce affects children’s lives by leaving a negative connotation in childhood and in the later stages of their adult lives which make it difficult for them to develop intimate relationships with others. Marriage is declining. Marriage is not what it used to be. Society is the same but individuals are changing, and their view of marriage is also changing especially for individuals who have experience divorce themselves. Males and females deal with divorce differently and trying to discover what mediated role play a factor in divorce among both males and female will lay the foundation for ongoing debate.

The literature review will investigate tactics to control the best way to assist children as they manage and deal with the difficulty associated with their parents’ divorce. This study will tend to provide a better systematic meaning of the present study considering the affect divorce has on children and how to best view parental divorce as a primary source of stressors.