Conceptual Analysis of a Specific Theoretical Construct

Conceptual Analysis of a Specific Theoretical Construct

Conceptual Analysis of a Specific Theoretical Construct

This course has explored various theoretical constructs and their application with various clients. When providing services to clients, a professional social worker uses theory as a guide. Consider the theories presented in this course. Choose one from the following list that resonates most closely for you: systems, conflict, empowerment, feminist, psychodynamic, development, cognitive-behavioral, or transpersonal. Use the following conceptual framework to prepare a 12–15 page paper to analyze of your chosen theory.

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Philosophical/historical roots

Theoretical framework (use work from seminal experts in the development of the theory chosen)
Nature of support for and against theory (empirical, practice wisdom)
How do theoretical concepts translate into or guide specific practice goals and practice skills?
What social work values are embraced?
When/with whom would it make the most sense to use this method in practice?
Target populations


Those for whom this model is contraindicated
Description of treatment process
Initial phase (e.g., purpose, areas of study and investigation, use of relationship, client/worker interaction, nature and content of client participation, nature of worker authority and expertise)
Assessment (e.g., purpose, limits and range, process of assessment phase, client/worker interaction, nature and content of client’s participation, emphasis on strengths vs. weaknesses, nature of worker authority and expertise, relationship of assessment to theoretical bases, underpinnings, expected outcomes of assessment phase)
Treatment (e.g., goals [implicit and explicit], focus of work, strategies and techniques used [empirical support, practice wisdom])
Termination (e.g., how decided, how carried out)


How does this theory inform research methods and topics?
Support your Assignment with specific references to this week’s resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.

References (use 6 or more)

National Association of Social Workers. (2008). Code of ethics of the National Association of Social Workers. Retrieved from

Cameron, M., & Keenan, E. K. (2010). The common factors model: Implications for transtheoretical clinical social work practice. Social Work, 55(1), 63–73.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Robbins, S. P., Chatterjee, P., & Canda, E. R. (2012). Contemporary human behavior theory: A critical perspective for social work (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Allyn & Bacon.

Final Project 2: Questions and Controversies in Clinical Psychopharmacology

For this Final Paper, consider controversies you encountered throughout this course or that surround your personal or professional experience that you have a desire to address. Select a question or controversy that involves the intersection of psychopharmacological treatment and the mental health profession.

Possible topics for the Final Paper include:

Something that is currently occurring in your community
Something that is currently occurring in a given population
A problem identified in the media
A controversy discussed in scholarly journals
A controversy about a specific diagnosis
Investigate online and in the Walden Library to select full-text, peer-reviewed articles to support your Final Paper. You may also consider interviewing an identified expert in the field.

For this Final Paper Assignment, review the Final Paper Guidelines and Final Paper Rubric found in the Course Information section of the course.

Your Final Paper should incorporate any feedback you received from your Instructor. The Final Paper should be a minimum of 12–13 pages in length, not including the title page, abstract, or references. The Final Paper should include at least 10 references.

The Final Paper should include:

An analysis of the question or controversy you selected including central arguments for various sides of the controversy
An explanation of how the question or controversy relates to clinical applications as a helping professional
An explanation of how you might reconcile the question or controversy in your current or future professional role
Bibliography of resources

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Conceptual Analysis Of A Specific Theoretical Construct SAMPLE INTRO

Conceptual Analysis of a Specific Theoretical Construct Philosophical/ Historical Roots of Empowerment The philosophy of empowerment derives its origins from a well known educational approach that was introduced by Paulo Freire in the 1960s and also in the participative approaches that were popular in the 1970s. However, the term “empowerment as we know it became increasingly significant in 1976 that was given prominence by the book Black Empowerment written by Barbara Salamon. This book influenced the conceptualization of this term significantly. The term empowerment traces its roots way back to the middle of the 17th century where it was commonly used in the legal profession (Al-Dajani & Marlow, 2013). The meaning of which was to give power to another person to act as a representative. This meaning is still in use, but events overtook it. The paradigm of viewing change as the common factor in any social processes and the refining of alternative models in the 1980s merged to come up with the term empowerment as we know it. The name found its use in strategies employed by Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs) and donor agencies. It is during this time that literature and research on empowerment took center stage. The term was specifically used by donor agencies to give a human face to donor power and intervention measures to address issues related to structural adjustment programs and other policies. Empowerment also became a tool used to bring ….
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