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A satisfactory standard for this section. Describes some feasible aim / objectives of the project. There is room for improvement in this section. You should only refer to what you hope to achieve if the project is successful. You should provide sufficient detail about the desired health improvements so the reader could later assess whether the specific improvements were achieved.
Inadequate attempt to describe the overall aim / objectives of the project. Does not meet a satisfactory standard for this criterion. This section needs to clearly describe what the project aims to achieve, that is it should describe the desired health improvements. These should be written in a way that provides sufficient detail to the reader so they can assess whether the aims / objectives can be achieved or evaluated.
Maximum 10 marks 8.5 – 10.0 7.5 -8.0 6.5 – 7.0 5.0 – 6.0 <= 4.5
3804NRS Community Nursing Practice – Assessment 2 (A2): Health promotion project proposal (40%) Marking rubric
Health promotion project proposal (A2): Marking rubric Page 2
Criteria (Mark allocation) Excellent Very good Good Satisfactory Poor / Needs improvement
3. Problem / unmet need:
Briefly describes the community which has this problem/unmet need. Describes a health problem/ unmet need that will be addressed by the proposal.
Analyses the problem/unmet community need and relates its relevance to theoretical concepts of community nursing. Provides an evidence base for the problem/unmet community need- uses relevant (preferably Australian), recent data to justify the problem/ unmet community need.
Excellent analysis. Demonstrates a sophisticated ability to source and incorporate evidence to produce a comprehensive analytical discussion of the community’s health problem or
unmet need.
Very well done. A high level of analysis shown, Draws on relevant evidence and referred to appropriate theoretical concepts to produce an informative discussion of the community’s health problem or
unmet need.
A good attempt to analyse the related evidence. Draws on relevant evidence and referred to some appropriate theoretical concepts to produce a satisfactory discussion of the community’s health problem or
unmet need.
A satisfactory attempt to analyse the community need. A satisfactory attempt however there is room for improvement in how you discuss the problem / unmet health needs of the client group.
An inadequate attempt. Attempt is superficial and/or does not sufficiently focus on the issues.
Maximum 20 marks 17.0 – 20.0 15.0 -16.5 13.0 –14.5 10.0 – 12.5 <= 9.5
4. Health promotion program:
Briefly describes the health promotion program / activity which will be implemented, including the timeframe for the program.
Excellent – a comprehensive and sophisticated description of the health promotion program. The health promotion program is realistic within the timeframe given.
Very well done – provides relevant details of the health promotion program that will be implemented.
A good attempt – provides adequate, relevant details of the health promotion program that will be implemented. There is some room for improvement – the reader needs more information so they can gain a better understanding of what is planned to address the problem / unmet need.
A satisfactory attempt – provides some details of the health promotion program that will be implemented however there is room for improvement. Need to provide more information about the health promotion program so the reader can gain a better understanding of what is planned to address the problem / unmet need.
An inadequate attempt – does not provide an adequate description of the health promotion program that will be implemented. Needs to provide information about the proposed health promotion program so the reader understands what is planned to address the problem / unmet need.
Maximum 10 marks 8.5 – 10.0 7.5 -8.0 6.5 – 7.0 5.0 – 6.0 <= 4.5
3804NRS Community Nursing Practice – Assessment 2 (A2): Health promotion project proposal (40%) Marking rubric
Health promotion project proposal (A2): Marking rubric Page 3
Criteria (Mark allocation) Excellent Very good Good Satisfactory Poor / Needs improvement
5. Resources:
Briefly lists what resources would be needed to implement the health promotion program e.g., staffing, venue, teaching materials/aids, stationery, refreshments, other resource requirements. Presented in a table.
A comprehensive list of all the relevant resources required to implement the program.
Lists nearly all the relevant resources required to implement the program.
Describes relevant resources. This section could be improved by more detail of the things required to implement the program.
Achieves a satisfactory standard for this section. Includes several relevant resources. This section could be improved by a more detail of the things required to implement the program.
An inadequate attempt –does not achieve a satisfactory standard for this section. This section could be improved by a more appropriate list of things required to implement the program.
Maximum 5 marks 4.5 – 5.0 4.0 3.5 2.5 – 3.0 <= 2.0
6. Justification:
Justifies how the idea will address the problem / unmet community need (consider link to conceptual framework for health promotion planning).
Justifies the proposal aim (the idea of the project) by relating this to relevant concepts and principles of community nursing (supported by relevant scholarly literature).
Justifies the proposal aim (idea) by relating it to policy and/or frameworks and/or legislation (the ‘bigger picture’ nationally and/or
Excellent work; a clear, logical and evidenced argument that justifies how the proposed idea will address the problem / unmet community need. Proposal aim clearly aligns with relevant policies/frameworks and/or legislation nationally/internationally and is justified through this linkage.
Very well done; a clear and logical justification of how the proposed idea will address the problem / unmet community need; includes evidence to support your arguments.
Well done; a good justification of the proposed health improvement idea – explains how the proposed idea will address the problem / unmet community need.
A satisfactory justification of the proposed health improvement idea. Attempts to explain how the proposed idea will address the problem / unmet community need. This section should not include statements about the problem; it should discuss only the solutions to the problem. The work would be improved by a more detailed explanation of how the elements of the proposed idea will contribute to a solution that will address the community’s health problem or
meet its needs.
An inadequate or insufficient justification – does not adequately or sufficiently explain how the proposed idea will address the problem / unmet community need. This section should not refer to the problem; it should discuss the solution to the problem.
Maximum 20 marks 17.0 – 20.0 15.0 -16.5 13.0 –14.5 10.0 – 12.5 <= 9.5
3804NRS Community Nursing Practice – Assessment 2 (A2): Health promotion project proposal (40%) Marking rubric
Health promotion project proposal (A2): Marking rubric Page 4
Criteria (Mark allocation) Excellent Very good Good Satisfactory Poor / Needs improvement
7. Evaluation:
Briefly describes how you would evaluate this project.
Excellent; achieves an excellent standard for this section. A comprehensive and clear description of a relevant health promotion program evaluation (timing of evaluation, methods used, what is evaluated). The evaluation methods are clearly tied to the aims and objectives of the proposal.
Very well done; achieves a very good standard for this section. Clearly describes a relevant health promotion program evaluation (timing of evaluation, methods used, what is evaluated).
Well done; achieves a good standard for this section. This section provides some details for the health promotion program evaluation however it is not comprehensive (timing of evaluation, methods used, what is evaluated – clearly link back to the aim / objectives).
A satisfactory standard for this section. Includes several relevant statements about evaluation. This section could be improved by more detail to provide a clearer plan for the health promotion program evaluation (timing of evaluation, methods used, what is evaluated – clearly link back to the aim / objectives).
An inadequate attempt – attempted to describe how to evaluate this project however there is not enough detail. This section could be improved by more detail and a clearer plan on how to evaluate your health promotion program (timing of evaluation, methods used, what is evaluated – clearly link back to the aim / objectives).
Maximum 10 marks 8.5 – 10.0 7.5 -8.0 6.5 – 7.0 5.0 – 6.0 <= 4.5
8. Evidence and referencing:
Supports the proposal with at least eight quality, relevant sources from the scholarly literature, which are from 2010 onwards.
References at least two relevant Australian government data or policy sources (this includes census and health data sources).
Uses a minimum of 8 quality references from 2010 onwards listed in a reference list on a separate page.
In-text citations and reference list entries are presented using APA Style 6th Edition
Excellent work, demonstrates wide-reading and the ability to synthesise scholarly evidence to support your argument. Strictly adheres to APA Style 6th Edition for referencing.
Very well done. Demonstrates research and support by appropriate high-quality scholarly literature. There are some minor issues and in referencing.
Good work. A sound level of support for your argument from the scholarly literature. Demonstrates research, identification of appropriate scholarly sources and appropriate support for statements. There are some errors in referencing.
A satisfactory level of support for your argument from the scholarly literature. There are several referencing errors.
Inadequate attempt. Does not use sufficient scholarly literature to support the argument and/or does not strictly adhered to APA Style 6th Edition for referencing.
Maximum 10 marks 8.5 – 10.0 7.5 -8.0 6.5 – 7.0 5.0 – 6.0 <= 4.5
3804NRS Community Nursing Practice – Assessment 2 (A2): Health promotion project proposal (40%) Marking rubric
Health promotion project proposal (A2): Marking rubric Page 5
Criteria (Mark allocation) Excellent Very good Good Satisfactory Poor / Needs improvement
9. Academic writing and presentation:
Is well presented, with correct spelling, grammar, and well- constructed sentence and paragraph structure. Uses academic language throughout the proposal.
Conforms to the Assignment Presentation Formatting Guidelines. Meets the word length requirements – excluding reference list.
Excellent work; proposal is exceptionally well written and presented. Meets the word length requirements. The writing has a logical flow with well-constructed and connected sections.
Very well done; proposal is very well written and presented. Meets the word length requirements.
Well done. Proposal is well written and presented however there are some academic writing and presentation issues. Meets the word length requirements.
A fair effort. Work is of a satisfactory standard however there are several academic writing and/or presentation issues. Many of these are obvious and could have been corrected before submission.
Inadequate attempt. Proposal does not meet a satisfactory academic writing standard as it has spelling, grammatical errors and poor sentence/paragraph construction. Does not adhere to Assignment Presentation Formatting guidelines.
Maximum 10 marks 8.5 – 10.0 7.5 -8.0 6.5 – 7.0 5.0 – 6.0 <= 4.5
TOTAL MARKS (out of 100) 85.0 – 100 75.0 – 84.5 65.0 – 74.5 50.0 – 64.5 <=49.5