Client Outcome Measures

Client Outcome Measures

Client Outcome Measures

Client outcomes are used to measure client progress, or lack thereof, as a result of treatment. For example, if a client entered treatment to decrease his or her anxiety level, a clinician would measure the client’s anxiety level before, during, and after treatment. If a client’s scores indicate a measurable reduction in anxiety, it may be a good indication that the treatment was effective. Similarly, can scores on client outcome measures indicate the efficacy of a clinician, agency, or organization?

For this Discussion, consider whether a client’s outcome measures can, in fact, measure the efficacy of a clinician an evaluate agency efficacy.

With these thoughts in mind:

Based upon your understanding of the validity and reliability of client outcome measures, write a brief explanation of whether  or not should be used to evaluate agency efficacy effectively. Then argue whether or not the outcomes measures should be used to evaluate clinician efficacy. Finally, explain one way that you might use client outcome measures in your professional practice.

400 words

on time

answer all the questions

reference page

APA format

Complete the following:

  • Describe Sternberg’s triangular theory of love.
  • Apply Sternberg’s theory to examine social norms and roles expected of your stated gender. Focus on social roles and norms including, but not limited to, the following areas and origins of adult relationships:
    • Dating practices including social media sites such as
    • Family planning
    • Daily parenting practices and changing roles related to career(s) and education

Support your assertions using valid research. Be sure to integrate your personal experiences and examples in your paper.

Write a 2–3-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to the formatting of your paper and the citation of sources. Remember to include a cover page and reference page in APA format. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M4_A2.doc.