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Annotated Bibliography
Biemiller, L. (2013, December 6). From a million MOOC users, a few early research results. The
Chronicle of Higher Education [Web log post]. Retrieved from
This article discusses a study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania’s Graduate
School of Education. Sixteen massive open online courses, or MOOCs, were observed
to determine student retention. Student completion of the courses was unremarkable.
Several differing variables may have contributed to the outcomes of each course based
on topic, length of course, student nationality, and so on. More studies on how MOOCs
are administered and conducted must be made.
Films for the Humanities and Sciences. (Producer). (2014, August). Internet research: What’s
credible? Available from Films on Demand in the University of Phoenix Library
This video discusses the risks taken with using popular search engines to locate
resources for academic work. It notes that most resources available online are not
guaranteed reliable or peer-reviewed. Some tips are offered to help alleviate some
search issues and to aid in locating appropriate resources. Detailed reasons to not use
Wikipedia and like sites are provided.
Francois, E. J. (2014). Motivational orientations of non-traditional adult students to enroll in a
degree-seeking program. New Horizons in Adult Education & Human Resource
Development, 26(2), 19–35. doi: 10.1002/nha3.20060
according to
An annotated
bibliography is
a list of
references to
books, articles,
web pages, and
other sources.
The reference is
listed first and
is followed by a
brief summary,
or annotation,
of the source.
The annotation
informs the
reader of the
relevance and
quality of the
sources should
be relevant
and credible.
sources that
are more
published so
the research is
up to date.
Center for Writing Excellence
©2015 University of Phoenix, Inc. All rights reserved.
The research in this study focused on motivating factors for non-traditional, degree-
seeking adults. The Education Participation Scale (EPS) was used to evaluate adults in
associate, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral programs. The particulars of the
motivational orientations can be useful for recruitment materials and designing
Shepherd, M. M., & Tsong Shin, S. (2014). The effects of informal faculty-student interaction
and use of information technology on non-traditional students’ persistence intentions and
educational outcomes. Journal of Higher Education Theory & Practice, 14(2), 46–60.
The study presented here attempts to address concerns over the education outcomes for
nontraditional students when using social integration. The authors explore the impact of
IT and informal faculty-student interaction. Their results suggest that IT may have a
positive effect on student psychological well-being and academic performance.
TEDTalks. (Producer). (2014, July 18). Bill Gates—Mosquitos, Malaria, and Education [Video
file]. Available from University of Phoenix Media Library ID: 53c93663dd7d12d094c4c6e2
In this TEDTalk, Microsoft founder and philanthropist Bill Gates discusses some ways
to combat problems in our world. He addresses the lack of support for malaria
elimination in struggling countries and how it affects their ability to thrive. He then
compares this struggle to that of education. There is an inequality with how people
survive physically and mentally in this world. He believes that success hinges on
applying the right tools and paying attention to all who are affected.
should be
written in
third person
point of view
just like an
Notice each
entry is listed in
order by
author’s last
name just like
on a reference