CCMH 535 Week 4 Quiz Assignment

CCMH 535 Week 4 Quiz Assignment

CCMH 535 Week 4 Quiz Assignment

Answer the following multiple-choice questions based on your readings for this week.

1. Suzie is a nurse who truly enjoys helping others. She is often described by her coworkers as engaging and caring both with patients and friends. Which of the following is most likely to be her primary code based on Holland’s theory? a. realistic

b. conventional

c. investigative

d. social

2. Nancy completed the Self-Directed search and found that her summary code was EAS. Which career is most compatible with her interest areas?

a. research biologist

b. mechanical engineer

c. owner of a wedding planning business

d. social worker

3. Which of the following describes a strength of interest inventories?

a. job success is more correlated to interests than abilities

b. instruments are very accurate at any age

c. inventories are not susceptible to faking

d. interests are typically stable, especially from the late teens on

4. Meghan is using the Career Maturity Inventory with one of her high school students. What is she most likely assessing for?

a. the student’s career interests

b. what the student values in a career (e.g., salary, work environment)

c. the student’s attitude towards deciding on a career and his or her competence

d. how ready the student is to make a career choice

5. Which of the following statements about employment interviews is true?

a. positive information is weighed more heavily than negative information

b. there is a great deal of evidence of reliability and validity for this practice

c. more structured, job-related interviews have lower validity

d. interviewers tend to make decisions about an interviewee early in the interview

6. Which of the following questions is recommended for interviewers to ask in career assessment?

a. Would you give me a brief review of your employment experiences?

b. What is your educational background?

c. Do you have any unique experience or interest that might be related to the choice of career, such as hobbies or special interests?

d. All of the above.

7. Government agencies often use tests to assess potential employees’ ___________________.

a. occupational values

b. career maturity

c. aptitude

d. career interests

8. Which of the following personality inventories is NOT typically used in career assessment?

a. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

b. Sixteen Personality Factor

c. Eysenck Personality Inventory

d. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory

9. An agency director assesses how applicants would perform on tasks that are very specific to the position to which they are applying. Which of the following assessment tools would be most helpful?

a. situational judgment test

b. work sample test

c. Job Effectiveness Prediction System

d. Employee Reliability Inventory

10. Which of the following people is most likely to participate in an assessment center evaluation?

a. an entry-level marketing assistant immediately out of college

b. an officer in the military going for promotion

c. an applicant for an administrative assistant position

d. a middle-level manager in the selection process for upper-level management

11. An enduring, generally stable personality characteristic that influences behavior is a

a. state

b. type

c. trait

d. cluster

12. The study of personality traits was first conducted by

a. Allport

b. Watson

c. Jung

d. Spielberger

13. Structured personality inventories are also referred to as __________ personality tests.

a. broad scope

b. narrow scope

c. objective

d. projective

14. An example of a projective test is the

a. The Quality of Life Inventory (QOLI)

b. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

c. The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2)

d. Thematic Apperception Test

15. The following are generally true of selected response objective personality inventories EXCEPT:

a. They are easy to score.

b. They have right and wrong answers.

c. They can be interpreted quickly.

d. The questions can be answered rapidly.

16. Which validity scale on the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 detects unintentional underreporting?

a. superlative presentation

b. infrequency

c. correction

d. true response inconsistency


CCMH 535 Week 4 Quiz Assignment

17. Which clinical scale on the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 is characterized by elevated mood, irritability, flight of ideas, grandiose, and excitability?

a. Schizophrenia

b. Hypomania

c. Psychasthenia

d. Hypochondriasis

18. The California Psychological Inventory (CPI), the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), the NEO Personality Inventory (NEO PI-R), the Sixteen Personality Factor, Fifth Edition (16PF), and the Eysenck Personality Inventory are all examples of

a. tests with a pathological focus

b. tests with a non-pathological focus

c. tests that with a positive focus

d. tests that are narrow in scope

19. The Edwards Personal Preference Inventory (EPPI) tries to limit the ____________ by using forced-choice item matching.

a. acquiescent response style

b. extreme response style

c. gambling response style

d. social desirability response style

20. A deviant response style refers to selecting responses that

a. are unusual or uncommon

b. are extremely high or low

c. are in disagreement with what is presented

d. all of the above 19/20 = 1.9 Points