Category Nursing

NR 602 Week 2 Grand Rounds – ADHD

NR 602 Week 2 Grand Rounds – ADHD NR 602 Week 2 Grand Rounds – ADHD What is ADHD? Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, also known as ADHD, is a neurobehavioral or neurodevelopmental disorder that commonly presents in children and teens…

RES 855 -Completing A Qualitative Study

RES 855 -Completing A Qualitative Study RES 855 -Completing A Qualitative Study Week 7 – RES 855, Assignment Instructions (1) Completing a Qualitative Study Details: Completing a Qualitative Study This week will allow you to apply what you have been…

Diagnostic Skill Application II

Diagnostic Skill Application II Diagnostic Skill Application II For this assignment, you are provided with four video case studies (linked in the Resources). Review the cases of Julio and Kimi, and choose either Reese or Daneer for the third case.…

PSY 331 Psychology Of Learning WK1 D2

PSY 331 Psychology Of Learning WK1 D2 PSY 331 Psychology Of Learning WK1 D2 Behaviorism Prior to engaging in this discussion, read the Introduction and Chapter One in your required e-book, watch the B.F. Skinner – Operant Conditioning and Free…

Essentials of Psychology Assignment

Essentials of Psychology Assignment Essentials of Psychology Assignment From the start of this course, we have emphasized the importance of research in shaping our understanding of human behavior and mental process. Several major studies and social psychology concepts were discussed…

Trauma And Comorbidity Assignment

Trauma And Comorbidity Assignment Trauma And Comorbidity Assignment Review Learning Resources on trauma treatment for veterans, and conduct research in the Library for additional resources on the topic. Then read “The Case of Jake Levy.” (Attached) In Jake’s case, the…

Understanding Emotions Study Guide

Understanding Emotions Study Guide “Inside Out” Study Guide: Understanding Emotions. © Abigail Burd, LCSW, 2015. May not be republished in print, online or in social media. Share by linking to for free download. May be printed individually for use…

The Process of Memory Assignment

The Process of Memory Assignment The Process of Memory Assignment View the following diagram outlining the process of memory, with some processes removed. Using the provided terms, match the letter attached to each term with the corresponding definition. 1.Attention2.3.4. ForgettingForgettingRetrievalForgetting 5.Sensory…

Functionalist View of Social Stratification

Functionalist View of Social Stratification Functionalist View of Social Stratification Choose one of the following questions: 1. Describe the functionalist view of social stratification, and the conflict theory’s view of social stratification. Then take a pro or con position on…