Category Nursing

Pressure Ulcer Prevention Strategies Paper

Pressure Ulcer Prevention Strategies Paper Pressure Ulcer Prevention Strategies Paper Article Content Patients who develop a hospital-acquired pressure ulcer (HAPU) have higher mortality, longer lengths of stay, and are more likely to be readmitted to the hospital less than 30…

NURS 4001 Assignment 5: Decreasing Medications Errors

NURS 4001 Assignment 5: Decreasing Medications Errors NURS 4001 Assignment 5: Decreasing Medications Errors Ensure the five rights of medication administration. Nurses must ensure that institutional policies related to medication transcription are followed. Follow proper medication reconciliation procedures. Institutions must have mechanisms in place for medication reconciliation when…

NURS 4005 Discussions and Assignments

NURS 4005 Discussions and Assignments NURS 4005 Discussions and Assignments NURS 4005 Assignment Dashboard Analysis and Nursing Plan (Walden) Description NURS 4005 Assignment Dashboard Analysis and Nursing Plan (Walden) CLICK HERE TO ORDER CUSTOM NURS 4005 Discussions and Assignments Assignment:…