Category Nursing

NUR 427 DQs

NUR 427 DQs NUR 427 DQs 2 DQ 1   What are social determinants of health?  Explain how social determinants of health contribute to the development of disease.  Describe the fundamental idea that the communicable disease chain model is designed…

Cultural Competence Skills: Adherence

Cultural Competence Skills: Adherence Cultural Competence Skills: Adherence You are assigned to a clinic in which a non-English speaking client communicates through a family member. She is complaining about her current hypertension medication. During the last visit to your clinic,…

NRS-427VN – Concepts in Community and Public Health

NRS-427VN – Concepts in Community and Public Health NRS-427VN – Concepts in Community and Public Health Version 12.0 Concepts in Community and Public Health     Course Code                       Type                                    Duration                                            Credit Hours NRS-427VN v    Credit Based      35 Days                            3.0 :12.0…

Translational Research and Population Health Management DQs

Translational Research and Population Health Management DQs Translational Research and Population Health Management DQs Permalink: …h-management-dqs/ NUR-550 – Translational Research and Population Health Management Course Materials Topic 1: Quality Research and Theoretical Frameworks Description  Objectives: Differentiate translational research from evidence-based Discuss…