Category Nursing

Assignment Applying the Precede-Proceed Model

Assignment Applying the Precede-Proceed Model Assignment Applying the Precede-Proceed Model PUBH 6038/HLTH 8038 Assignment Topics Alcohol abuse/alcoholism Asthma Bullying and/or gang violence Cancer Screening (pick one common cancer screening: breast cancer-mammography, colon cancer-colonoscopy, prostate cancer-examination/PSA, or cervical cancer-PAP smear Climate…

Assignment: Asthma Case Study

Assignment: Asthma Case Study Assignment: Asthma Case Study This week you learned about common conditions in the adolescent client. Please review the following case study and answer the following questions. A fifteen-year-old female presents to your clinic complaining of shortness…

Personal Model of Leadership paper

Personal Model of Leadership paper Personal Model of Leadership paper As a nurse leader, it is important to understand a variety of leadership models and styles. This will help you adapt to different settings and apply strategies to support and…