Category Nursing

NR501 Weekly Assignments latest

NR501 Weekly Assignments latest NR501 Weekly Assignments latest Week 2 Assignment: Reflective Essay Guidelines The Reflective Essay Guidelines with Scoring Rubric is due by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. (MT) at the end of Week 2. The guidelines are below and the guidelines…

NR501 Weekly Discussions latest

NR501 Weekly Discussions latest NR501 Weekly Discussions latest Week 1 Discussion: Importance of Theory in Nursing For many students enrolled in NR501, this is an initial course for nursing theory. So, let’s have a debate. Is nursing theory important to the…

NR500 All Assignments latest 2018

NR500 All Assignments latest 2018 NR500 All Assignments latest 2018 Week 2 Assignment: Artistic Expression: Caring Concept Assignment Purpose Nursing practice is both an art and a science with caring as a central concept to nursing practice and the profession…

NR501 Week 7 Discussion latest 2018

NR501 Week 7 Discussion latest 2018 NR501 Week 7 Discussion latest 2018 Nursing Theory Applied to Evidence Based Practice This week we are focusing on the application of nursing theories to evidence-based practice. In NR 500, you explored an area…

NR501 Week 6 Discussion latest 2018

NR501 Week 6 Discussion latest 2018 NR501 Week 6 Discussion latest 2018 Borrowed (non-nursing) Theories Applied to the Nursing Profession While the focus of this course is nursing theory, frequently the use of non-nursing or borrowed theories occurs. Identify your…

NR501 Week 5 Discussion latest 2018

NR501 Week 5 Discussion latest 2018 NR501 Week 5 Discussion latest 2018 Analysis and Application of a Nursing Model Select either the PCN Framework or the Chamberlain Care Model. Consider how the following components would be included in an analysis…