Category Nursing

NURS 6531 Week 3 Discussion: Hypertension

NURS 6531 Week 3 Discussion: Hypertension NURS 6531 Week 3 Discussion: Hypertension In clinical settings, advanced practice nurses frequently use various strategies to treat and manage patients with hypertension and other cardiovascular disorders. These strategies often include pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic…

NURS 6531 Week 11 Assignment Latest

NURS 6531 Week 11 Assignment Latest NURS 6531 Week 11 Assignment Latest Assignment 1: Application – Patient Education on Stroke Prevention A stroke is a serious disorder that impacts patients quickly, requiring immediate intervention and treatment. Due to implications of…

NURS 6531 Week 10 Assignment Latest

NURS 6531 Week 10 Assignment Latest NURS 6531 Week 10 Assignment Latest Assignment 2: Practicum Experience – Journal Entry After completing this week’s Practicum Experience, reflect on a patient with a known history of a renal disorder. Describe the patient’s…

NURS 6531 Week 9 Assignment Latest

NURS 6531 Week 9 Assignment Latest NURS 6531 Week 9 Assignment Latest Assignment 1: Application– Chronic Kidney Disease According to the National Kidney Foundation, 26 million adults in the United States have chronic kidney disease with millions of others at…

NURS 6531 Week 7 Assignment Latest

NURS 6531 Week 7 Assignment Latest NURS 6531 Week 7 Assignment Latest Assignment 2: Practicum Experience – Journal Entry After completing this week’s Practicum Experience, reflect on a patient with a known history of asthma. Explain potential predisposing genetic and…