Category Nursing

NSG6420 Week 6 Discussion

NSG6420 Week 6 Discussion NSG6420 Week 6 Discussion latest This week you have learned about common GU and Male Reproductive disorders in the Adult and Geriatric patient. For the purpose of this discussion select one of the following GU and…

NSG6420 Week 4 Discussion latest 2017

NSG6420 Week 4 Discussion latest 2017 NSG6420 Week 4 Discussion latest 2017 This week you have learned about common cardiovascular disorders in the Adult and Geriatric patient. For the purpose of this discussion select one of the following cardiovascular disorders…

NSG6420 Week 3 respiratory disorder discussion

NSG6420 Week 3 respiratory disorder discussion NSG6420 Week 3 respiratory disorder discussion This week you have learned about common respiratory disorders in Adult and Geriatric patients. For this discussion, select one of the following respiratory disorders and provide the following…

Assignment: NSG 6340 Discussions

Assignment: NSG 6340 Discussions Assignment: NSG 6340 Discussions Settings Help Discussions List Tool Navigation Discussions List selected Subscriptions Filter by: Filter Unread Hide All Topics ________________________________________ Course Forum Topic Threads Posts Last Post Please Read and Respond Contains unread posts…

NSG 6340 Evidence-Based Clinical Intervention Discussion

NSG 6340 Evidence-Based Clinical Intervention Discussion NSG 6340 Evidence-Based Clinical Intervention Discussion Evidence-Based Clinical Intervention By the due date assigned, submit your Evidence-Based Clinical Intervention to the Discussion Area. Your Evidence-Based Clinical Intervention should be submitted in a Microsoft Word…

NSG6340 Week 9 Discussion latest 2018

NSG6340 Week 9 Discussion latest 2018 NSG6340 Week 9 Discussion latest 2018 This week’s content addressed professional and legal issues, state boards of nursing, advanced practice licensure, regulations, scope of practice, and national certification as an advanced practice nurse. It…

NSG 6340 Week 7 ecg-simulator Discussion

NSG 6340 Week 7 ecg-simulator Discussion NSG 6340 Week 7 ecg-simulator Discussion This week’s content addressed common techniques and testing that can be prescribed by the Nurse Practitioner. Review ONE of the following videos and post for the class what…