Category Nursing

Assignment: This is a 6-hour training

Assignment: This is a 6-hour training Assignment: This is a 6-hour training Complete the second half (3 hours) of the Psychological First Aid training located on the National Child Traumatic Stress Network website: Direct link: This is a 6-hour…

Argosy PSY302 All Assignments 2019

Argosy PSY302 All Assignments 2019 Argosy PSY302 All Assignments 2019 Assignment 3: Final Project Annotated Bibliography Craft a research question on the topic you selected in your first discussion question post. Then locate at least five articles from peer-reviewed journals…

NR305 All Assignments latest 2019

NR305 All Assignments latest 2019 NR305 All Assignments latest 2019 Week 3 Assignment Purpose This assignment is to help you gain insight regarding the influence of an individual’s lifestyle and health-related practices, on their opportunities for health promotion. You are…

NR305 Week 3 Assignment

NR305 Week 3 Assignment NR305 Week 3 Assignment Purpose This assignment is to help you gain insight regarding the influence of an individual’s lifestyle and health-related practices, on their opportunities for health promotion. You are to obtain a lifestyle and…

NR305 Week 4: Patient Teaching Plan

NR305 Week 4: Patient Teaching Plan NR305 Week 4: Patient Teaching Plan Purpose To create a Patient Teaching Plan aimed at educating a specific patient population about a specific health topic. This plan will be used to develop a Visual…

NR305 Week 4: Visual Teaching Tool

NR305 Week 4: Visual Teaching Tool NR305 Week 4: Visual Teaching Tool Purpose To utilize the Patient Teaching Plan (developed in a prior assignment) to create a Visual Teaching Tool to educate the selected patient population about the selected health…