Category Homework

HUM 200 Unit 3 Assignment 1 Discussion—Prescriptive and Descriptive Arguments

HUM 200 Unit 3 Assignment 1 Discussion—Prescriptive and Descriptive Arguments HUM 200 Unit 3 Assignment 1 Discussion—Prescriptive and Descriptive Arguments Descriptions “describe”—they depict the “what is” of a statement. Prescriptions “prescribe”—they express the “what ought to be” of a statement. When approaching controversial or…

SOCW 6060 Week 10 Discussions 1 & 2

SOCW 6060 Week 10 Discussions 1 & 2 SOCW 6060 Week 10 Discussions 1 & 2 Discussion 1: Existential Questions and Post-Traumatic Growth Upon hearing the stories of sometimes horrific atrocities clients or client families have experienced, you as a…