Category Custom Essay

Adolescent and Adult Health Screening

Adolescent and Adult Health Screening Adolescent and Adult Health Screening Details: In this assignment, you will be completing a comprehensive health screening and history on a young adult. To complete this assignment, do the following: Select an adolescent or young…

Hernandez Family Health Assessment

Hernandez Family Health Assessment Hernandez Family Health Assessment Assessment is as essential to family therapy as it is to individual therapy. Although families often present with one person identified as the “problem,” the assessment process will help you better understand…

Qualitative Data Analysis for Health Services

Qualitative Data Analysis for Health Services Qualitative Data Analysis for Health Services Qualitative Research in Nursing Practice To prepare: Consider your readings about and understanding of quantitative and qualitative research. If you had to choose, which type of research (quantitative…

NURS6501 Week 9 Quiz latest 2017

NURS6501 Week 9 Quiz latest 2017 NURS6501 Week 9 Quiz latest 2017 Question 1 A patient wants to know what can cause ACTH to be released.How should the nurse respond? a. High serum levels of cortisol b. Hypotension c. Hypoglycemia…

Lobbyist/Advocate for Health Care Policy

Lobbyist/Advocate for Health Care Policy Instructions for Lobbyist/Advocate for Health Care Policy First Steps on Becoming a Grassroots Lobbyist/Advocate for Health Care Policy This assignment has two parts, numbered below. Write each question as a new topic area, then follow…

Culture in Nursing Assignment

Culture in Nursing Assignment Culture in Nursing Assignment Read chapter 11, 26 and 30 of the class textbook and review the attached Power Point presentations.  Read content chapter 30 in Davis Plus Online Website.  Once done answer the following questions; 1.  As eastern cultures,…

Christian Worldview on Nursing Principalism

Christian Worldview on Nursing Principalism Assignment Christian Worldview on Nursing Principalism Assignment Details: This assignment will incorporate a common practical tool in helping clinicians begin to ethically analyze a case. Organizing the data in this way will help you apply…

Evidence-Based Practice And The Quadruple Aim

Evidence-Based Practice And The Quadruple Aim Evidence-Based Practice And The Quadruple Aim Healthcare organizations continually seek to optimize healthcare performance. For years, this approach was a three-pronged one known as the Triple Aim, with efforts focused on improved population health,…

The Future of Nursing Leadership

The Future of Nursing Leadership The Future of Nursing Leadership Review the Institute of Medicine’s 2010 report “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.” Write a 750-1,000 word paper discussing the influence of the IOM report on nursing practice.…