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Operant Therapies-All the World Is a Skinner Box? Operant Therapies-All the World Is a Skinner Box? Gateway Question 15.7: What role do operant principles play in behavior therapy? Aversion therapy and desensitization are based on classical conditioning. Where does operant…
Knowledge Builder Behavior Therapies Knowledge Builder Behavior Therapies RECITE 1. What two types of conditioning are used in behavior modification? ______________________ and ______________________ 2. Shock, pain, and discomfort play what role in conditioning an aversion? a. conditioned stimulus b. unconditioned…
Medical Therapies-Psychiatric Care Assignment Medical Therapies-Psychiatric Care Assignment Gateway Question 15.8: How do psychiatrists treat psychological disorders? Psychotherapy may be applied to anything from a brief crisis to a full-scale psychosis. However, most psychotherapists do not treat patients with major…
Psychosurgery and Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) Psychosurgery and Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) Psychosurgery (any surgical alteration of the brain) is the most extreme medical treatment. The oldest and most radical psychosurgery is the lobotomy. In prefrontal lobotomy, the frontal lobes are surgically…
Community Mental Health Programs Community Mental Health Programs Community mental health centers, which offer a wide range of mental health services and psychiatric care and are a bright spot in the area of mental health care. Such centers try to…
Core Features of Psychotherapy Discussion Core Features of Psychotherapy Discussion What do psychotherapies have in common? We have sampled only a few of the many therapies in use today. For a summary of major differences among psychotherapies, see ? Table…
Comparison of Psychotherapies-Discussion Comparison of Psychotherapies-Discussion Insight or Action? Directive or Non-directive? Individual or Group? Therapy’s Strength Psychoanalysis Insight Directive Individual Searching honesty Brief psychodynamic therapy Insight Directive Individual Productive use of conflict Client-centered therapy Insight Non-directive Both Acceptance, empathy…
The Future of Therapy-Magnets, Groups, and Smartphones The Future of Therapy-Magnets, Groups, and Smartphones Gateway Question 15.10: What will therapy be like in the future? Therapy has come a long way since the days of trepanning and demonology. Still, the…
Therapy and Culture-A Bad Case of “Ifufunyane” Therapy and Culture-A Bad Case of “Ifufunyane” At the age of 23, the patient was clearly suffering from “ifufunyane,” a form of bewitchment common in the Xhosa culture of South Africa. However, he…
Group Awareness Training Discussion Group Awareness Training Discussion During the 1960s and 1970s, the human potential movement led many people to seek personal growth experiences. Often, their interest was expressed by participation in sensitivity training or encounter groups. What is…