Category Custom Essay

Application: Therapeutic Relationships

A child’s or adolescent’s disruptive behaviors can be challenging for a counselor. Disruptive behaviors can interrupt the counseling process, and they often signify the existence of emotions a child or adolescent is unable to express verbally. Some prospective child and…

Trauma Case Study

Trauma Case Study Trauma Case Study Maryam is a 17-year-old Caucasian female university student referred to your agency by her physician Dr. Jaffee. Maryam presented in her doctor’s office complaining of a lack of sleep. Dr. Jaffee did not give…

Cultural Autobiography Case Study

Cultural Autobiography Case Study Kimberly H. Morgan CED-525: Cross Cultural Consideration in Counseling September 23, 2018 Dr. Shelia Witherspoon Microaggressions are verbal, environmental or behavioral indignities that direct negative prejudices towards a marginal group. Microaggression lowers one’s self-esteem and create…

Making A Differential Diagnosis Paper

Making A Differential Diagnosis Paper Making A Differential Diagnosis Paper 3 page Well-Written paper (DUE 10/6/2018 NO LATER) NO PLAGIARISM CASE STUDY ATTACHED Prior to beginning work on this assignment, please read Chapter 1: Differential Diagnosis Step by Step in…

PSY699 Poster submission guidelines

Poster presentations at conferences are effective methods of communicating research findings. The discussion of the research being presented is a key element in poster conferences. During professional conferences, poster presenters speak with other psychology professionals providing insights into the information…

Inferential Statistics – SPSS – Help

Histograms and Descriptive Statistics IBM SPPS assignment includes two sections in which you will: 1. Create two histograms and provide interpretations. 2. Calculate measures of central tendency and dispersion and provide interpretations. 3. Key Details and Instructions · Submit your…