Broderick and Blewitt

Please no plagiarism and make sure you are able to access all resource on your own before you bid. One of the references must come from Broderick and Blewitt (2015). I need this completed by 01/06/18 at 7pm.  Respond to my colleagues using one or more of the following approaches:

· Validate your colleague’s perspective or provide an alternative perspective by citing specific examples (based on observations or research) that illustrate the identified positive or negative influence.

· Offer another way a colleague might use knowledge of his or her identified influence to effectively work with adolescents and their families.

· Expand on your colleague’s posting by providing additional insights or contrasting perspectives based on readings and evidence.

Instructor says to me:

I enjoyed your post and I understand your point of view concerning culture and the impact it has on adolescents. In a household that has multiple cultures how would a counselor help parents articulate combining the different cultures for the best interest of their adolescents? For example, a mom may be Caucasian with a Christian background, and the father is Islamic with a Muslim background. Two completely different races and religions that found love, but their ideas and methods are completely opposite. I look forward to your thought.

(My post was)

Factors influence the development of adolescents

Culture, biology, environment, as well as sexual orientation among others, affect the development of adolescents.  Culture is highly significant in the development of adolescents. Cultural differences determine how the adolescents grow and the kind of behavior they will acquire.  Concerning the environment, the family structure as well other settings including the society influences the behavior of adolescents. The family acts as the prop in their development since it provides an immediate environment. The older siblings and parents are the role models (Broderick & Blewitt, 2015).

Adolescence is a time of development when the children are undergoing numerous biological changes. The changes are physically manifested. Physical appearance is central during this stage. Boys acquire masculine features such as coarse voice and broadening of the chest. Girls’ changes include the onset of menstrual cycles as well as the growth of breasts. The physical changes could lead to low self-esteem if the appropriate environment is not provided.

Most significant factor

Culture is the most significant factor influencing adolescent development. One of the primary reasons for this argument is that culture is the way of life and therefore all the environments have a particular way of life. Within the family, there is the kind of culture that already exists. Some families cultivate the culture of dependence while others are more independent. Adolescents who grow in families with dependence culture tend to be more dependent in their lives compared to those that grow in families with independence culture.  Independent household cultures come with high levels of freedom and responsibilities compared to dependent cultures.

Culture also relates to moral standards. Some of the essential moral standards are acquired during teenage. Parents of adolescents must instill morals in their children. In households where there is a culture of inculcating positive values in their children, the children acquire these values and are likely to uphold them in future (Broderick & Blewitt, 2015).

Impact on the decisions of adolescents

The influence of culture is positive and profoundly impacts the decisions made by adolescents. For instance, within the family, parents urge their adolescents to uphold honesty and lead by example. Adolescents who have grown in homesteads and societies with this kind of culture will not lie even when there are great benefits of lying. Some cultures such as the in East Asia, families emphasize on harmony as opposed to honesty. The implication is that the adolescents will tell a lie as long as it contributes to family and social harmony.

How a counselor might apply this knowledge

A counselor can apply this knowledge in various ways. Firstly, he or she will help the parents understand the kind of culture their children are growing in and the equivalent expectations. For instance, some children will be more reliant on their families than others depending on the culture in the family and also in the society (Milevsky, Schlechter, Netter, & Keehn, 2007).
