BIO-319 Nutrition Article Assignment

BIO-319 Nutrition Article Assignment

BIO-319 Nutrition Article Assignment


Nutrition Article

Find an article that pertains to nutrition and health from a current peer-reviewed scientific journal. The article must be an Empirical Research Article published within the last 2 preferably, but 5 years at most. See rubric for guidelines.

Write a summary of the article (500-750 words) and discuss the significance of the information to you personally and/or implications for public health and policy.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. BIO-319 Nutrition Article Assignment

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Criteria Feedback Points
Empirical Article from peer-reviewed journal The requirement for this paper as discussed in class and by the Librarian during the presentation is to be an empirical article (original research) published within the last 2 preferably, but 5 years at most.       /8
Summarized Article Summarize each section of the article thoroughly (including APA headings for: introduction, subjects, methods, results, discussion).  It should be easy to read and flow nicely from paragraph to paragraph.  Be sure to proofread aloud and gain feedback from others before submitting.       /9
Implications to self/others The requirement of this paper is to state the implications to yourself or the general population.       /8
300 level APA format


The requirement for this paper is 300-level APA format as found in the Writing Center template       /2.5
Word count Appropriate word count is 500-750 words.       /2.5
Reference This paper requires a reference page and permalink.  Please refer to APA format for referencing.       /2.5
Similarity Similarity report from TurnItIn should be less than 20%.  Be sure to summarize in your own words to decrease similarity.       /2.5
Total Points




  • Empirical research is based on observed or measured phenomenon and derives knowledge from actual experience meaning, the researchers gathered data on subjects in a population through a particular methodology (methods section), described what was learned (results section which usually include statistics), and discuss those results (discussion section- may be called conclusions). Be sure to include the APA headings in your paper.
  • You only need one in-text citation (in APA format) for this article summary. You may begin your paper with an introductory sentence including key information such as author, date, and source. Example below:
    • Author or Author et al. (Year) looked at …
    • The remainder of your summary should use phrases like The author states…or This study says… to let the reader know it is from the same article.
  • Only ONE small quote is allowed. This should be a summary in your own words.
  • The implication section may be written in first person. BIO-319 Nutrition Article Assignment