BIO 304H IV Therapy Assignment

BIO 304H IV Therapy Assignment

BIO 304H IV Therapy Assignment

Iv Therapy

When assessing Adam’s IV rate, the practical nurse observes that the IV is not dripping, although the roller clamp is completely open.  What should the practical nurse do first?
? Palpate for a pulse distal to the IV site
? Assess the IV site
? Check the MD order for the flow rate
? ? Close the roller clamp

The nurse will be starting a new intravenous (IV) infusion and needs to select the site for the insertion. In
selecting a site, the nurse should do which of the following?

? Start with the most distal site.
? Look for hard, cord-like veins.
? Use the dominant arm.
? Vigorously rub and tap the chosen vein.

Leslie an RPN received an order for her client for IV antiobitic to be administered twice a day. The client has a saline lock insitu. What steps should Leslie consider when administering IV medication via saline lock?

? Cleanse the port with antiseptic, flush IV line with 3 ml of normal saline, attach appropriate tubing and administer medication via piggyback.
? Assess the saline lock, cleanse the port with antiseptic solution, attach appropriate tubing and administer medication via piggyback.
? Assess the saline lock, change the port, attach appropriate tubing and administer medication via bolus over 15 minutes.
? Cleans the port with antiseptic, flush the IV line with 3 ml of normal saline, attach the medication with antibiotic into saline lock and slowly administer over 10 minutes.

BIO 304H IV Therapy Assignment

What should the nurse do when a patient’s IV site appears to be Phlebotic?
? Remove IV, apply warm compress, document, notify MD.
? Leave IV insitu, apply ice pack, document, notify MD.
? Remove IV, apply icepack, document, notify MD.
? Leave IV insitu, apply heat, document, notify MD.

A client has intravenous (IV) therapy for the administration of antibiotics and is stating that the IV site “hurts and is swollen.” Which of the following information assessed on the client indicates the presence of phlebitis, as opposed to infiltration?

? Intensity of the pain
? Warmth of integument surrounding the IV site
? Amount of subcutaneous edema

When changing an IV bag, why is it important for the practical nurse to prevent air from entering the tubing?
? Air in the tubing could increase the rate of flow of the infusion.
? Air in the tubing could cause an embolus.
? Air in the tubing could decrease the rate of flow of the infusion.
? Air in the tubing could cause a thrombus.

Septicemia is an invasion of micro-organisms into the blood stream. What are the  signs and symptoms of
septicemia originating from an infected IV site?
? Fever,  headache, diarrhea, vomiting, hard cold IV site, agitation.

? Chills, fever, general malaise, headache, GI disruptions, purulent discharge at IV site.

? Headache, frustration, anger, GI disruptions, purulent discharge at IV site.

? Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, reddened IV site, pruritis, perspiring, headache.

When setting up an IV infusion for a pediatric client, which infusion set should be obtained by the practical nurse?
? A macrodrip set delivering 10gtt/mL
? A macrodrip set delivering 15gtt/mL
? A macrodrip set delivering 20gtt/mL
? A microdrip set delivering 60gtt/mL
What statement is correct about subcutaneous  infusion (hypoderoclysis)?
? Repeated venipuncture may be needed to maintain access.
? ? Can be used for continuous or intermittent infusion of isotonic fluids or selected medications
(    (eg.opioid) infusion.
? ? Site should be rotated every 24 hours to prevent complications.
? ? May be inserted at the bedside or in radiology under fluoroscop

What is the evidence-based recommendation to changing intravenous devices (not including lipids, blood and blood
? Every 24 hours
? ? Every 72 hours
? ? Every time set used
? ? Every week


A medication is prescribed for the client and is to be administered by intravenous (IV) bolus injection. Which of the following is a priority for the nurse before administering the medication via this route?

? Set the rate of the IV infusion.
? Check the client’s mental alertness.
? Confirm placement of the IV line.
? Determine the amount of IV fluid to be administered.

The practical nurse is helping a patient ambulate with a portable IV pole.  Which direction should the practical nurse give her?
? ? Keep the arm with the IV above the level of the heart.
? ? Keep the arm with the IV at or below the level of the waist.
? ? Raise the pole as the fluid level of the bag decreases
? ? Lower the pole as the fluid level of the bag decreases

Mrs. D. is going to for a Xray.  Her IV is infusing at 100mL/hr and there is 75mLs left in the bag.  What should the practical nurse do?
? ? ? Change the bag when 20mL are left
? ? ? Send a new IV bag with Mrs. D. to the Xray department
? ? ? Change the bag prior to leaving for the Xray
? ? ? Slow the IV rate to 25mL/hr during the Xray

Fluid Volume/Electrolyte

When a client’s serum sodium level is 120 mmol/L, the priority nursing assessment is to monitor the status of which of the following body systems?
? Neurological
? GI
? Pulmonary
? hepatic

BIO 304H IV Therapy Assignment

Which of the following is of great importance for the nurse to check before administering an IV solution with potassium that is prescribed for the client?
? Check for weakness.
? Assess renal function.
? Evaluate deep tendon reflexes.
? Initiate seizure precautions.

BIO 304H IV Therapy Assignment

A homeless client is brought into the emergency department with indications of extremely poor nutrition. Arterial blood gases are assessed and the nurse anticipates that this client will demonstrate which of the following results?

? pH, 7.3; PaCO2, 38 mm Hg; HCO3, 19 mmol/L
? pH, 7.5; PaCO2, 34 mm Hg; HCO3, 20 mmol/L ? ?
? pH, 7.35; PaCO2, 35 mm Hg; HCO3, 24 mmol/L
? pH, 7.52; PaCO2, 48 mm Hg; HCO3, 28 mmol/L

A client experiences a loss of intracellular fluid. The nurse anticipates that which of the following IV therapies will be used to replace this type of fluid loss?

? 0.45% normal saline (NS)
? 10% dextrose ? ?
? 5% dextrose in lactated Ringer’s
? Dextrose 5% in 1/2 NS

The single best indicator of a client’s fluid status is the nurse’s assessment of which one of the following?
? The client’s skin turgor
? The client’s intake and output
? The client’s serum electrolyte levels
? The client’s daily body weight

Which answer is the most common electrolyte imbalance?
? Hypokalemia
? ? Hyperkalemia
\ ? Hyponatremia
? Hypernatremia

Out of all of the following clients, the nurse recognizes that which one is most at risk for a fluid volume deficit?
? A 6-month-old learning to drink from a cup
? A 12-year-old who is moderately active in 27°C weather
? A 42-year-old with severe diarrhea
? A 90-year-old with frequent headaches

The nurse anticipates that the client with a fluid volume excess will manifest which one of the following signs?
? Increased urine specific gravity
? Increased blood pressure
? Decreased body weight
? Decreased pulse strength

The nurse knows that older adults are more prone to fluid volume alterations for which of the following reasons?

? They have decreased thirst sensation.
? Their kidneys have an increase in glomerular filtration.
? They are at risk for increased excretion of medications.
? They have decreased stomach-emptying time.

BIO 304H IV Therapy Assignment

Continue: Blood Administration

A rapid infusion of blood has been given to the client. The nurse assesses the client for which one of the following?
? Diaphoresis
? Anxiety
? Hypertension and tachycardia
? Nausea and vomiting

A patient requiring transfusion with fresh frozen plasma would have which of the following problems noted on the medical record?
? Hypovolemic shock
? Anemia
? Coagulation disorder
? Previous transfusion reaction

The client has severe anemia and will be receiving blood transfusions. The nurse prepares and begins the infusion. Ten minutes after the infusion has begun, the client develops tachycardia, chills, and low back pain. After stopping the transfusion, which of the following actions should the nurse take next?
? ? Administer an antipyretic.
? ? Begin an infusion of epinephrine.
? ? Keep the vein open using a clean administration set flushed with normal saline.
? ? Obtain and send a urine specimen to the lab.

In which case should a mother be given RhoGAM?
? Rh+ mother, Rh+ baby
? Rh+ mother, Rh- baby
? Rh- mother, Rh – baby
? Rh- mother, Rh+ baby

What should be the priority documentation when administering  blood and blood products?
? ? Client consent, vital signs, fluid balance record & amount infused
? ? Client consent, Release of Blood product from blood bank, vital sign, amount infused
? ? Intake & Output, solution used, vital signs, client response to therapy
? ? Intake & Output, vital signs, time transfusion began & ended, amount infused.

What steps are required for administration of blood and blood products?
? Client verbal consent and doctors’s orders
? Client written consent and doctor’s orders
? Client implied consent and medical directives
? Client written consent and blood cross and type testing

BIO 304H IV Therapy Assignment
While getting an infusion of albumin, which situation should the patient be monitored closely for developing?

? ? hypernatremia.
? fluid volume deficit.
? fluid volume excess.
? transfusion reaction.

What should the practical nurse do before the infusion of blood is started?
? ? Ask the client if she knows her blood type
? ? Assess and record the client’s vital signs
? ? Administer a prophylactic antipyretic medication
? ? Determine whether the client is HIV positive
After delivery, a woman is determined to be a candidate for RhGAM injection.  The nurse determines that the teaching the client received about RhoGAM was effective when the client states that RhoGAM will protect her next baby from which situation?
? Being affected by Rh incompatibility
? ? Having Rh-positive blood
? ? Developing a rubella infection
? Developing physiological jaundice