Background And Significance Sections Of The Grant Proposal

Background And Significance Sections Of The Grant Proposal

Background And Significance Sections Of The Grant Proposal


Attached is the previous week assignment on the proposal. I will need this paper no later than tomorrow.

For this week’s assignment, you will complete the Background (including a literature review) and Significance sections of your grant proposal following the Grant Proposal Guidelines. See the Sample Grant Proposal Template  as an example and use it as a template for your Grant Proposal. The more complete your assignment is, the more feedback you will receive for the Final Project. In addition, you will create the References page for your proposal by taking the sources from your Week Two annotated bibliography and converting them into a standard APA-formatted References list. Be sure to include at least five more peer-reviewed sources on your References page (so that you have at least 15 sources as required for the Final Project).


Background And Significance Sections Of The Grant




Steroids as revitalizing and anti-aging manager

Steroids as revitalizing and anti-aging manager

Specific Aims : Background And Significance Sections Of The Grant Proposal

The world of professional sports is troubled with apprehensions of athletes looking to obtain a competitive edge using performance-improving drugs. In most cases, the drugs of choice are anabolic steroids like testosterone. In most recent years, steroid accusations have been a known topic when surrounding Lance Armstrong, Jose Canseco, Barry Bond and countless others. At the same time, valid scientific literature has studied the conceivable clinical practicality of steroid supplementation/ regarding replacing of some conditions for example hypogonadism, Alzheimer’s disease as well a connection to work against a physically occurring decrease in the manufacture of androgen-related to aging. This account by Brown-Séquard is an eventual classic where the writer took part in self-experimentation to review whether the managing of extracts from the animal testicles might influence numerous of the abilities and capabilities that he perceives have been decreasing with age. Brown-Séquard, wrote down these insufficiencies like amnesia, exhaustion, and constipation uses reasoning, erroneous as we might now know it to be. He presently reports necessary changes in his stamina, his understanding and his influences of urination and excretion.

The precise aim of this proposal is to assess whether steroids are a revitalizing or anti-aging manager. As an effect of the long history of research and awareness of the causes of gonadal steroids on individual’s behavior, these thoughts are at the foundation of the steroid horrors that trouble so many of skilled sports; an area of apprehension to numerous students. Second, this proposal intentions to provide an ironic proposal with which to start deliberating apprehensions of clinical trials and experimental design.

Annotated bibliography

Effects of androgenic-anabolic steroids in athletes. (2004). Sports Medicine, (8), 513. doi:10.2165/00007256-200434080-00003

The following is an article that reviews how androgenic anabolic steroids apply potent effects on individuals’ body that might be of benefit for athletic performance. The article reveals the actual effects of steroids.

Jay R., H., & Nicholas A., R. (2006). MEDICAL ISSUES ASSOCIATED WITH ANABOLIC STEROID USE: ARE THEY EXAGGERATED? Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, Vol 5, Iss 2, Pp 182-193 (2006), (2), 182.

This is article is picture-perfect that investigates and evaluates the history of use of anabolic steroids in North America. The article also evaluates the rate of recurrence of use of steroids in recreational residents and athletic and its competence.

Long-Term Psychiatric and Medical Consequences of Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid Abuse: A Looming Public Health Concern? (2008). United States, North America:

This article analyses the Long-term use of supraphysiologic doses of Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid which might result in everlasting cardiovascular toxicity, mainly cardiomyopathy and atherosclerotic effects.

Kanayama, G., Brower, K. J., Wood, R. I., Hudson, J. I., & Pope, H. J. (2009). Anabolic-androgenic steroid dependence: an emerging disorder. Addiction (Abingdon, England), 104(12), 1966-1978. doi:10.1111/j.1360-0443.2009. 02734.x

This is an outstanding article that analyses the accruing animal and human resistant showing that Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid may create a specific dependence condition associated with adverse medical and psychiatric effects.

KICMAN, A. T. (2008). Pharmacology of anabolic steroids: Drugs in sport. British Journal of Pharmacology, (3), 502.

The following journal helps support my proposal. It talks about how anabolic steroids sponsor muscle strength and growth for gymnasts and athletes. The article also talks about steroids and the reason they are used in a clinical setting.

Mukherjee, S., Date, A., Patravale, V., Korting, H. C., Roeder, A., & Weindl, G. (2006). Retinoids in the treatment of skin aging: an overview of clinical efficacy and safety. Clinical Interventions in Aging, 1(4), 327-348.

This article analyses the handling of anti-aging using synthetic and natural retinoid and how the majority of them have shown clinical and histological development. The writer states that tretinoin is the highest possible and commonly used a retinoid to photograph aging therapy.

DO CARMO, E. C., FERNANDES, T., DE OLIVEIRA, E. M., KOIKE, D., DA SILVA, N. D., COELHO MATTOS, K., & … COSTA IRIGOYEN, M. C. (2011). Anabolic Steroid Associated to Physical Training Induces Deleterious Cardiac Effects. Medicine and Science In Sports And Exercise, (10), 1836.