

Global Psychology Assignment

Global Psychology Assignment Global Psychology Assignment Select TWO of the prompts below not all of the prompts. Answer TWO prompts of your choice; 250 words in total. 250 between both, not 250 each. 1. Vladimir, Vassily, and Valentina are three…

The Gottman Method of Couple Therapy

The Gottman Method of Couple Therapy The Gottman Method of Couple Therapy The Gottman Method of couple therapy is firmly grounded in research on couple relationships. It is an integrative approach that incorporates elements of many different theories and therapy…

Case Conceptualization Paper

Case Conceptualization Paper Case Conceptualization Paper (28 Points) Students will write a case conceptualization paper demonstrating their ability to apply clinical theory to practical case material. See the course schedule for the due date. Students will prepare a 10-page paper,…

CE300: Observation and Assessment in Early Childhood

CE300: Observation and Assessment in Early Childhood CE300: Observation and Assessment in Early Childhood Discussion post and two replies. Topic: Interpreting and Using Assessment Results ====================================== TUTOR INSTRUCTIONS: The student is required to answer the case study questions below to…

Ethics Of Friendship Assignment

Ethics Of Friendship Assignment Ethics Of Friendship Assignment The study of the philosophy of friendship provides us with an opportunity to explore the concept of dissimulation and its vital role in friendship. Novelist Marcel Proust believed that friendship was only…

Consent And Debriefing Forms

Consent And Debriefing Forms It is imperative for psychology students to learn how to create informed consent and debriefing forms that adequately state the purpose of studies to the participants in an ethical manner. In your capstone class, it is…

Working with Families Assignment

Working with Families Assignment Working with Families Assignment As professionals working with children, two of our most important jobs are building relationships with families and helping them to find the resources they need. When we establish relationships with families, it…

Counseling Suffering Clients

Counseling Suffering Clients Counseling Suffering Clients Required Text Books: Entwistle, D. N. (2015).  Integrative approaches to psychology and Christianity (3rd ed.).  Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock.  ISBN: 9781498223485. McMinn, M. R. (2011).  Psychology, theology, and spirituality in Christian counseling (Rev.…