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NR 500 WEEK 7 ELECTRONIC PRESENTATION ASSIGNMENT NR 500 WEEK 7 ELECTRONIC PRESENTATION ASSIGNMENT The purpose of this assignment is to: a) demonstrate how the skills outlined in the AACN Essentials are applicable to the role of a master’s–prepared nurse…
NR 443 Week 4 Assignment -Guidelines for Caring for Population NR 443 Week 4 Assignment -Guidelines for Caring for Population Vulnerable Population Assessment Purpose: This paper’s goal is to identify and evaluate a vulnerable demographic in your neighborhood. You will…
NURS 6512 Week 4 Quiz Assignment NURS 6512 Week 4 Quiz Assignment Question 1 Adhesive skin glues are indicated for closure of which of the following wounds? Question 2 2 out of 2 points The rationale for suturing wounds includes:…
NURS 6600: CAPSTONE SYNTHESIS PRACTICUM – Discussion 1 NURS 6600: CAPSTONE SYNTHESIS PRACTICUM – Discussion 1 Walden University School o f Nursing Practicum Manual Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) Nurse Practitioner Specializations : ? Adult Gerontology A cute Care…
NR 443 Week 8 Discussion – Future Directions NR 443 Week 8 Discussion – Future Directions NR 443 WEEK 8 DISCUSSION LATEST 2016 JULY Future Directions (graded) Consider what you’ve learnt in this course. What future issues are expected to…
NR 443 Week 7 Discussion – The Affordable Care Act NR 443 Week 7 Discussion – The Affordable Care Act NR 443 WEEK 7 DISCUSSION LATEST Affordable Healthcare (Graded) Please explore the website Choose the “Get Answers” tab towards…
NR 443 Week 6 Discussion -Environmental Health NR 443 Week 6 Discussion -Environmental Health NR 443 WEEK 6 DISCUSSION LATEST Environmental Pollutants (Graded) Visit the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Envirofacts website . Enter your city, zip code, or location.…
NR 443 Week 5 Discussion -Disaster and Communicable Disease Preparedness NR 443 Week 5 Discussion -Disaster and Communicable Disease Preparedness NR 443 WEEK 5 DISCUSSION LATEST Vulnerable Populations (Graded) As nurses, we all know what we should do to maintain…
NR 443 Week 4 Discussion -Healthy People Objectives NR 443 Week 4 Discussion -Healthy People Objectives NR 443 WEEK 4 DISCUSSION LATEST 2016 JULY Healthy People Objectives for Community Settings (graded) Community health nurses practice in a variety of settings.…
NR 443 Week 3 Discussion -Caring for Vulnerable Populations NR 443 Week 3 Discussion -Caring for Vulnerable Populations NR 443 WEEK 3 DISCUSSION LATEST Caring for Vulnerable Populations (graded) Review the Week 3 Case Study that is found in Doc…