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NR 305 Week 2 TD 1: Pain Assessment NR 305 Week 2 TD 1: Pain Assessment John, a 46-year-old African-American male presents for admission to your hospital for hemi-colectomy for colon polyps. He is complaining of chronic back pain. Patient…
NR 305 Week 2 Assignment: Journal Article Review NR 305 Week 2 Assignment Journal Article Review solved This paper of NR 305 Week 2 Assignment Journal Article Priming Effects of Television Food Advertising on Eating Behavior covers: Download the following…
NR 305 Week 1 TD 2: Cultural Bias Assignment Paper This paper of NR 305 Week 1 TD 2 Cultural Bias Assignment Paper Permalink: …-bias-assignment/ Understanding cultural phenomena is essential to the completion of an accurate health assessment. Please choose a…
NR 305 Week 1 TD 1: Healthy People Initiative This file of NR 305 Week 1 TD 1 Healthy People Initiative includes the answers on: As the school nurse working in a college health clinic, you see many opportunities to…
NR 228 Unit 8 Discussion: Team Presentations NR 228 Unit 8 Discussion: Team Presentations Team Presentations (graded, 25 points) In this unit, one member of your team will be responsible for posting your team presentation to the discussion thread which…
NR 228 Unit 7 Discussion 2: Personal Food Diary NR 228 Unit 7 Discussion 2: Personal Food Diary Personal Food Diary (graded, 25 points) In Units 1, 3, 5, and 7, you will be posting a 24-hour food and activity…
NR 228 Unit 7 Discussion 1: Supplementing Your Diet NR 228 Unit 7 Discussion 1: Supplementing Your Diet Supplementing Your Diet (graded, 25 points) It has become common practice for people to supplement their diets with pills, smoothies, teas, herbals,…
NR 228 Unit 6 Discussion: Case Studies NR 228 Unit 6 Discussion: Case Studies Case Studies (graded, 25 points) This unit’s discussion involves four case studies (click here to download). In addition to reviewing the case studies, please locate the…
NR 228 Unit 5 Discussion 2: Personal Food Diary NR 228 Unit 5 Discussion 2: Personal Food Diary Personal Food Diary (graded, 25 points) In Units 1, 3, 5, and 7, you will be posting a 24-hour food and activity…
NR 228 Unit 5 Discussion 1: Case Study NR 228 Unit 5 Discussion 1: Case Study Case Study Discussion (graded, 25 points) This unit’s discussion involves four case studies (click here to download them). In addition to reviewing the case…