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Use of Personal Communication Devices in Patient Care Settings: NR 361 Week 7 DQ 1 Use of Personal Communication Devices in Patient Care Settings: NR 361 Week 7 DQ 1 How can the use of the nurse’s personal communication devices…
NR 361 Week 6 DQ Alarms What Do the Data Show NR 361 Week 6 DQ Alarms What Do the Data Show The repeated sound of an alarm can be annoying to the patient, family, and staff. This can lead…
Interview with Nursing Information Expert: NR 361 Week 6 Assignment Interview with Nursing Information Expert: NR 361 Week 6 Assignment The purpose of this assignment is to Communicate your understanding of the importance of quality information in everyday nursing practice,…
Documentation and Reimbursement: NR 361 Week 5 DQ 2 Documentation and Reimbursement: NR 361 Week 5 DQ 2 What is the impact of Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) payment denial on the healthcare system, and what are the…
Uses of Standardized Nursing Terminology: NR 361 Week 5 DQ 1 Uses of Standardized Nursing Terminology: NR 361 Week 5 DQ 1 From your practice standpoint, what have you read this week in your text or in the lesson that…
NR 361 Week 5 and 6 Discussion Assignments NR 361 Week 5 and 6 Discussion Assignments NR 361 Week 5 and Week 6 Discussions Nurses are increasingly considered knowledge workers. We are valued for what we know and how we…
NR 361 Week 4 DQ 1 Meaningful Use in Your Workplace NR 361 Week 4 DQ 1 Meaningful Use in Your Workplace Meaningful Use is part of the EHR requirements targeted for completion in 2014. Meaningful Use was created in…
Telenursing – The Future Is Now Paper 2: NR 361 Week 4 Assignment Telenursing – The Future Is Now Paper 2: NR 361 Week 4 Assignment The following scenario serves as the basis for your paper: You have worked with…
Telenursing Is It in My Future: NR 361 Week 4 Assignment Telenursing Is It in My Future: NR 361 Week 4 Assignment The following scenario serves as the basis for your paper: You have worked with Tomika for the past…
NR 361 Week 3 DQ 2 Library Search for Telenursing Resources NR 361 Week 3 DQ 2 Library Search for Telenursing Resources This week’s lesson points out key concepts in searching the National Library of Medicine’s PubMed/MEDLINE database, the Chamberlain…