

Assignment & Journal: Piaget and You

Assignment & Journal: Piaget and You Assignment & Journal: Piaget and You Journal To complete the following journal entry, go to this week’s Journal link in the left navigation. Piaget and You Consider what age group you hope to work with and…

Baby Geniuses: Piaget vs Vygotsky

Baby Geniuses: Piaget vs Vygotsky Baby Geniuses: Piaget vs Vygotsky Click on this link to check out the Baby Geniuses video:  (Links to an external site.) Most (if not all) parents want their babies to be super smart. This video shows how some…

Assignment 2: Income Support Policies

Assignment 2: Income Support Policies Assignment 2: Income Support Policies In this assignment, you must examine the philosophical underpinnings of the economic system and its relationship to ethics and social justice by examining income support policies. You will also view…

Week 7 Exercise: Prosocial Behavior

Week 7 Exercise: Prosocial Behavior Week 7 Exercise: Prosocial Behavior Much of what we tend to focus on when we study social psychology are topics that often have a negative connotation such as conformity, prejudice, aggression or obedience. A huge…