

Assignment: Exploring Personality Theories

Assignment: Exploring Personality Theories Assignment: Exploring Personality Theories Background In psychology, personality theorists have sought to understand the traits and other factors that determine our very nature. Some of these factors are innate, and others seem to be shaped by…

Evaluating Twelve-Step Programs – PSY 496

Evaluating Twelve-Step Programs – PSY 496 Evaluating Twelve-Step Programs – PSY 496 The twelve-step program has been a cornerstone of substance abuse treatment for decades. Proponents and opponents of the twelve-step program debate its effectiveness at treatment of substance addiction.…

Discussion: Mental Health Counseling

Discussion: Mental Health Counseling Discussion: Mental Health Counseling Developmental tasks of middle adulthood, such as career management and change, nurturing of intimate relationships, and the expansion of relationships and management of a household. Consider that the primary psychosocial crisis of…