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Nurse Educator Lesson Plan Assignment

Nurse Educator Lesson Plan Assignment Nurse Educator Lesson Plan Assignment As you explored in Topic 2, there are many factors that drive the course design process. Course design outlines help instructors develop lesson plans that meet objectives outlined in the…

Community Acquired Pneumonia Assignment

Community Acquired Pneumonia Assignment Community Acquired Pneumonia Assignment APA 7 format Apply the concepts of population health and epidemiology to Community Acquired Pneumonia Synthesize Paper according to the following sections: Introduction:  Analysis of the communicable disease (causes, symptoms, mode of transmission, complications,…

Professional Portfolio Part 1 Assignment

Professional Portfolio Part 1 Assignment Professional Portfolio Part 1 Assignment Hide Assignment Information Turnitin® Turnitin® enabledThis assignment will be submitted to Turnitin®. Instructions This assignment fulfils the following course objective Promote professional development for self and others, in order to…

iCare Concept and Interprofessional Teams Assignment

iCare Concept and Interprofessional Teams Assignment iCare Concept and Interprofessional Teams Assignment Instructor instructions: The purpose of the iCARE Paper assignment is to explore the concept of interprofessional teams and patient outcomes. Nursing supportive actions of compassion, advocacy, resilience, and…

Assignment: Antipsychotic Therapy for Schizophrenia

Assignment: Antipsychotic Therapy for Schizophrenia Assignment: Antipsychotic Therapy for Schizophrenia According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, approximately 100,000 people experience psychosis in the United States each year (NAMI, 2016). In practice, clients may present with delusions, hallucinations, disorganized…