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NR526 Week 5 Case Study Assignment NR526 Week 5 Case Study Assignment Purpose The purpose of the Case Study assignment is to help students apply and integrate pathophysiology, pharmacology, and health (physical) assessment into simulations of nursing care. Note that…
Advanced Nursing Practice I quiz 4 – SU Advanced Nursing Practice I quiz 4 – SU Question 1 (1 point) An older male patient reports urinary frequency, back pain, and nocturia. A dipstick urinalysis reveals hematuria. What will the provider…
NUR602 Week 6 Grand Rounds Latest NUR602 Week 6 Grand Rounds Latest Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to enhance the student’s clinical reasoning, confidence and learning of various pediatric and women health topics through facilitated discussion. Description In…
NR500 Week 1 Discussion: The Value of a Master’s-Prepared Nurse NR500 Week 1 Discussion: The Value of a Master’s-Prepared Nurse Consider the current healthcare delivery models and practice settings. Reflect on how nursing practice is transforming in response to the…
NR500 Deek 2 Discussion: Caring Concepts in Nursing NR500 Deek 2 Discussion: Caring Concepts in Nursing This week’s topic is centered on the concept of caring in contemporary nursing practice. In your initial response, provide a definition of caring that…
NR500 Week 3 Discussion: Knowing Self NR500 Week 3 Discussion: Knowing Self Reflect the concepts addressed in this week’s lesson plan and required reading. Recall a challenging experience in either your personal or professional life. In the initial response, start…
NR500 Week 4 Discussion – Leadership: Establishing Relationships and Influencing Change NR500 Week 4 Discussion – Leadership: Establishing Relationships and Influencing Change This week’s focus is on developing foundational interpersonal skills that will prepare you for professional practice as a…
NR500 Week 5 Discussion: Evidence-Based Practice NR500 Week 5 Discussion: Evidence-Based Practice Discuss the EBP process and importance to nursing practice. Identify your selected specialty track. Provide a rationale on why you selected the specific professional track. Identify a concept…
NR500 Week 6 Discussion: Systems-Structure and Function NR500 Week 6 Discussion: Systems-Structure and Function Many of you have experience in complex adaptive systems whether you realize it or not. Thinking about your future practice specialty area, identify an issue or…
NR500 Week 7 Discussion: Healthful Environments NR500 Week 7 Discussion: Healthful Environments Reflect on an experience in which you were directly involved or witnessed incivility in the workplace. Provide a brief synopsis of the situation. How did this make you…