Assignment: Screeners And Diagnostic Tests

Assignment: Screeners And Diagnostic Tests

Assignment: Screeners And Diagnostic Tests

According to Wortham (2012), “Screening tests are administered to detect indicators that a child might have a developmental problem that needs to be further investigated” (p. 56). As a teacher you can then use these results to effectively plan how to best meet the needs of your students. For this assignment, start by analyzing two different children from the example “Developmental Checklists Birth to Five” document. These checklists are already completed and contain information about the development of children ranging in ages from birth to five. You will need to use the developmental checklist of two different children’s age groups to complete your analysis. Based on your analysis, create an activity to address one skill on the checklist for each child. Your assignment should include:

  • An analysis of two different children from the checklists. Make sure to state which checklist you are using in your analysis and the age of each child. Your analysis needs to include information that you have learned from the checklist about each child’s strengths and developmental concerns you would have about the child. Be specific and describe at least three different developmental areas that are covered on the checklist.
  • For one item on each checklist, create an activity that will allow you to address each child’s need on that particular skill. (e.g., If you use the checklist for 12- to 24-month-olds and it states that they cannot sort shapes or colors, your activity would contain elements such as naming colors and shapes, identifying colors and shapes, and finding examples.)


For each activity, include a rationale that explains the purpose of the activity.

You will need to submit this assignment to your instructor as a Word document. Your assignment should be four to five pages in length, not including the title page and a reference page. Lastly, include at least one scholarly source in addition to your textbook and utilize proper 6th-edition APA citation guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.


Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.