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Assignment: Obesity Management Trends
Obesity is a growing trend in America as “more than one-third (36.5%) of U.S. adults have obesity” (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2017). Mr. C is among the obese American population, and consequently has various obesity-associated health risks. For instance, hypertension, sleep apnea, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and hypercholesterolemia, to name a few (CDC, 2017). Mr. C is inquiring about bariatric surgery, and he may meet the qualifications for this surgery since his BMI falls within the obesity range, he has weight-related problems such as hypertension and sleep apnea, and he has failed to lose weight despite diet and exercise (Mayo Clinic, 2014). Mr. C will need to undergo an extensive screening before being deemed appropriate for this last-resort, surgical option.
As per the physician orders, Mylanta-an antacid, Zantac-an H2 Blocker, and Carafate-an antiulcer medication, are prescribed to help heal and prevent worsening of Mr. C’s peptic ulcer. Considering the medication instructions and Mr. C’s usual meal schedule, it would behoove the patient to follow the medication schedule as follows: 0600 Carafate, 0700 breakfast, 1000 Mylanta, 1100 Carafate, 1200 Lunch, 1500 Mylanta, 1700 Carafate, 1800 dinner, 2100 Carafate, 2000 Bedtime Snack, 2030 Zantac & Carafate.
Mr. C poses many actual or potential problems related to his various functional health patterns, examples are as follows:
Health perception: Mr. C seems to have identified that his lifestyle and obesity are a problem, as he is inquiring about options like bariatric surgery to rectify this problem.
Health management: Mr. C is failing to manage his health as evidenced by his weight gain of 100 lbs, his sedentary lifestyle, his abnormal lab values, and presence of modifiable diseases such as obesity and hypertension.
Sleep-Rest: There is an alteration in sleep pattern as evidenced by the patient’s sleep apnea, although it is not mentioned whether the patient is treated for this with a CPAP, for example.
Nutritional-Metabolic: The patient has a problem with nutrition which is supported by his categorically obese BMI, his over-consumption of calories-as per his 100lb weight gain, and abnormal total cholesterol, triglyceride, and fasting blood glucose levels which indicate dietary deficits and suboptimal nutrition.
Activity-Exercise: Mr. C has a job where it is assumed that he sits and is relatively sedentary for most the day. The patient is also consistently gaining weight which indicates that his calorie consumption is greater than his calorie expenditure from activity or exercise.